![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Since its introduction in 1975, the patented Aphex Aural Exciter has been used on thousands of hit albums, commercials, films, concerts, installed sound systems, and broadcast stations.
Now the same unique ability to increase presence and restore natural brightness and detail, without significant equalization, is available as an AAX Native 64 and AAX DSP 64 plug-in!
现在,AAX Native 64和AAX DSP 64插件提供了相同的独特功能,可以在不进行显著均衡的情况下增加显示效果并恢复自然亮度和细节!
Big Bottom is a proven sound enhancement plug-in for Pro Tools 11 — from the company that invented sound enhancement. Modeled after the Big Bottom circuit in the Aphex Model 104, Big Bottom is an example of stunning, patented Aphex circuitry.
Big Bottom是一款经过验证的用于Pro Tools 11的声音增强插件,它来自发明声音增强的公司。以Aphex 104型中的大底电路为模型,大底电路是令人惊叹的专利Aphex电路的一个例子。
Big Bottom works on bass frequencies and adds low-end presence and punch without increasing peak level. This allows you to pack more bass into your mix without overloading amps and recorders or blowing up speakers