![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
累计签到:58 天 连续签到:2 天
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其它系统格式: | 问题投诉 |
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容量: | 2.27GB |
微信公众号输入命令: | 2V70188 请在微信公众号中输入前面红色字体命令获取提取码等内容,这里没有内容就表示不需要 |
公众号回复内容: | 隐藏内容 查看操作方法 |
下载方式: | 当前帖子ID:
关注公众号 | vstivip  |
【新提醒】可做为插件又可独立运行的混音工具UVI – Falcon v2.5.3 EXE , VST , AAX (MOD) x64-VST效果器插件-音乐插件软件-K歌录音VST效果器下载 VSTI音源下载 声卡调试 - Powered by Discuz! (253344.net)
Cinematic Shades – a collection of sounds designed for composers and modern producers who need unique and powerful emotional elements for their work. Divided into 7 categories, Cinematic Shades offers a carefully curated selection of 130 atmospheres, pads, textures, melodies, sequences, basses, and cinematic elements with pre-applied macros that provide creative modulation options and easy automation control.
电影阴影-为作曲家和现代制作人设计的声音集合,他们的作品需要独特而强大的情感元素。分为7个类别,Cinematic Shades提供了130种精心策划的氛围、垫子、纹理、旋律、序列、低音和电影元素,以及提供创造性调制选项和易于自动化控制的预应用宏。
To work with the bank you need a Falcon sampler
Installation: move the R2RUVI file from the R2R folder to C: \ ProgramData \ UVI \ R2R