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Design, automate, and perform sound effects in real-time. You do your best sound design work when you get the right sound from your head in sync with the scene. Reformer Pro offers a new and intuitive way of designing sound, helping you achieve this as quickly as you can think it.
实时设计、自动化和执行音效。当你从你的头脑中获得与场景同步的正确声音时,你会做你最好的声音设计工作。Reformer Pro提供了一种新的直观的声音设计方法,可以帮助您尽快实现这一点。
Discover inspirational ways to refine your sound design workflow. Reformer Pro’s patented technology allows you to quickly perform Foley, add textures, and easily replace any sound, saving you hours of editing time.
探索改进声音设计工作流程的鼓舞人心的方法。Reformer Pro的专利技术允许您快速执行福利,添加纹理,轻松替换任何声音,节省您数小时的编辑时间。
a real-time foley stage in your daw
Perform your Foley, animal, sci-fi or impact sound effects instantly and intuitively within your DAW, saving you hours of editing. Easily capture subtle movement and nuance that elevate your project’s quality.
maximise your sound design workflow
Reformer Pro’s award-winning patented technology allows you to quickly add textures, easily replace any sound and discover inspirational new ways to maximise your sound design workflow.
Reformer Pro屡获殊荣的专利技术允许您快速添加纹理,轻松更换任何声音,并发现鼓舞人心的新方法,最大限度地优化您的声音设计工作流程。
import your existing sfx libraries
Analyse your own recordings and sound effects using Reformer Pro’s Analysis Tool, revitalising and reforming them into performable assets.
使用Reformer Pro的分析工具分析您自己的录音和音效,将其重新激活并转化为可执行资产。