![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
累计签到:58 天 连续签到:2 天
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其它系统格式: | 问题投诉 |
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容量: | 70.1M |
微信公众号输入命令: | 27005T0 请在微信公众号中输入前面红色字体命令获取提取码等内容,这里没有内容就表示不需要 |
公众号回复内容: | 隐藏内容 查看操作方法 |
下载方式: | 当前帖子ID:
关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Bom Shanka Machines came about in the summer of 2017 when Rich Elms decided that some of his favorite plugins were macOS-only (such as mgTriggerGate and Whirlpool) and that could only be fixed by building them yourself. Starting with asimilonGate, he began to study the necessary tools to implement this.
Bom Shanka Machines于2017年夏天问世,当时Rich Elms认为他最喜欢的一些插件仅限于macOS(如mgTriggerGate和Whirlpool),只能通过自己构建来修复。从asimilonGate开始,他开始研究实现这一目标的必要工具。
Rich has a long history of making music, he has been an electronic musician since 1996 and has produced under various aliases, both solo (Asimilon and Teknoton) and collaborations (Psymmetrix and others), and an even longer history of computer programming; Using this knowledge and experience, as well as the contributions of its record label colleagues, Bom Shanka Machines is reflected in creating effective tools for music production.
Rich有着悠久的音乐创作历史,自1996年起,他一直是一名电子音乐家,并以各种化名创作,包括独奏(Asimilon和Teknoton)和合作(Psymmetrix和其他),以及更长的计算机编程历史;利用这些知识和经验,以及唱片公司同事的贡献,Bom Shanka Machines在创建有效的音乐制作工具方面得到了体现。
Our ongoing mission is to create useful and (hopefully) innovative plugins for all musicians working on Windows, macOS, and Linux:
Bom Shanka Machines aardvarkkPhaser v1.0.7
Bom Shanka Machines asimilonGate v1.1.8
Bom Shanka Machines chrisGlitch v1.0.18
Bom Shanka Machines psymmetrix .3.3