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AudioThing is a software development company specializing in audio processing plugins (VST, AU, AAX) and sample libraries. We strive to develop professional yet affordable audio plugins for composers, producers and sound engineers of all skill levels. We offer a wide variety of sound plug-ins, including vintage tape and tube emulations, complex convolutional processors, analog drum machine emulations, and more.
Alborosie Dub Station v1.0 – filter, echo, spring reverb
Alborosie Dub电台v1.0–滤波器、回声、弹簧混响
Fog Convolver v1.5.1 – convolution processor
Frostbite v2.1.0 – multi-effect
Megaphone v1.5.2 – bullhorn / loudspeaker emulation
miniVerb v1.1.5 – 8-bit lo-fi reverb
miniVerb v1.1.5–8位低保真混响
OuterSpace v1.3.2 – Roland RE-201 space echo emulation
Phase Motion v2.0.0 – phaser
Reels v1.2.1 – tape emulation with built-in echo & tape-stop effect
Reels v1.2.1–具有内置回音和磁带停止效果的磁带模拟
Space Strip v1.1.2 – multi-effect strip
Speaker v1.5.1 – overdrive with speaker emulation
Speakers v1.2.0 – microphone & speaker simulations
Springs v1.2.6 – collection of vintage spring reverbs
Springs v1.2.6–复古春天混响的集合
The Orb v1.2.0 – formant filter
Orb v1.2.0–共振峰滤波器
Things Motor v1.0 – morphing rotor effect
Things Motor v1.0–变形转子效应
Things Texture v1.0.2 – granular reverb
Things Texture v1.0.2–颗粒混响
Things Tilt v1.0 – tilt EQ
Things Tilt v1.0–倾斜均衡器
Type-A v1.3.0 – enhancer based @ Dolby-A noise reduction
Type-B v1.0.3 – harmonic exciter
Valves v1.0.3 – vintage valve emulation
Vinyl Strip v1.5.0 – vintage multi-effect strip
WaveBox v1.5.1 – dynamic dual waveshaper
WaveBox v1.5.1–动态双波整形器
Wires v1.0 – soviet wire recorder echo
Wires v1.0–苏联导线记录器回波
Alborosie Dub Station – We are proud to present to you Alborosie Dub Station, located in the heart of Jamaica’s most prolific music community, the Waterhouse in Kingston. We sampled, analyzed and meticulously recreated the original filter, echo and spring reverb that was used, modified and used by legendary Osborne Ruddock “King Tubby” – producer, studio engineer and pioneer of dub-reggae from the golden era of the 70s – from his personal collection of vintage gear Alborosie …
Alborosie Dub电台–我们很荣幸向您介绍Alborosie Dub电台,它位于牙买加最丰富的音乐社区——金斯敦的Waterhouse的中心。我们对传奇人物奥斯本·拉多克(Osborne Ruddock)“国王塔比”(King Tubby)——70年代黄金时代杜布·雷鬼(dub reggae)的制作人、工作室工程师和先驱——使用、修改和使用的原始滤镜、回声和弹簧混响进行了采样、分析和精心再造,这些滤镜、回声和弹簧混响来自他个人收藏的古董阿尔伯罗西(Alborosie)…
Fog Convolver – Virtual convolutional processor. Fog Convolver can be used to add reverb, create special effects, and apply acoustic impulse captured from audio equipment.
Frostbite v1.5.1 is a multi-effect that includes Ring Modulator, Feedback, and Freeze modules. The plugin is well suited for atmospheric and cinematic music, but can also be used for extreme sound experiments. Six different combinations provide a flexible signal path.
Frostbite v1.5.1是一个包括环形调制器、反馈和冻结模块的多效产品。该插件非常适合大气音乐和电影音乐,但也可以用于极端声音实验。六种不同的组合提供了灵活的信号路径。
Megaphone is a plugin that emulates a loudspeaker / horn. It features two speaker emulations, slapback control and a noise section.
miniVerb – Lets you create reverb inspired by 1980s video game soundtracks
OuterSpace is an emulation plug-in for Roland’s famous vintage tape delay RE-201, created in the early seventies. As a source device, the Outer Space has a three-head ribbon echo section and a spring reverb compartment.
OuterSpace是罗兰著名的老式磁带delay RE-201的模拟插件,创建于70年代初。作为一种源设备,外层空间有一个三头带状回波区和一个弹簧混响室。
Phase Motion – Lets you simulate phase using one of five LFO waveforms (sine, triangle, saw, square, random sample). In this case, the size can be adjusted either manually or synchronized with the pace of the host program. The ‘Depth’ and ‘Feedback’ controls let you create a wide variety of phaser sounds.
Reels – AudioThing Reels tape recorder emulator downsamples any signal passed through it. Users can choose from three types of film (Japanese, French, Italian) and the playback speed, which will affect the intensity of signal processing. In addition, the plug-in provides a number of settings that are responsible for tape hiss, ducking and other noises, an echo section, as well as a special “Tape Stop” function that simulates a kind of attenuation that occurs when the tape stops.
Reels–AudioThing Reels磁带录音机模拟器对通过它的任何信号进行下采样。用户可以选择三种类型的电影(日语、法语、意大利语)和播放速度,这将影响信号处理的强度。此外,该插件还提供了一系列设置,用于处理磁带嘶嘶声、闪避和其他噪音、回音部分,以及一个特殊的“磁带停止”功能,用于模拟磁带停止时发生的衰减。
Space Strip is a multi-effect plugin with 6 modules: Contour, Vibe, Slapback, Ambience, Ensemble and Stereo. Modules can be positioned in any combination by simply dragging and dropping. The Space Strip will add depth and space to your sounds, especially synthesizer and keyboards.
Space Strip是一款多效插件,包含6个模块:轮廓、振动、回击、氛围、合奏和立体声。模块可以通过简单的拖放以任何组合进行定位。空格键可以增加声音的深度和空间,尤其是合成器和键盘。
Speaker – overdrive effect with loudspeaker emulation. The plugin also has a fixed compressor, amp stage and mix control.
Springs is a virtual simulator of vintage spring reverbs.
The Orb is a formant filter from AudioThing that simulates the characteristics of the human voice. Featuring a set of three band pass filters, The Orb can transform any sound into vowel sounds.
Things Motor is a modern, extended take on Dave Young’s “The Crystal Palace”, co-developed with electronic musician Hainbach. Things Motor is a sound effect inspired by “The Crystal Palace” created by Dave Young for the BBC’s radio studio. It used a large capacitor that spins on a motor. With this device, you can smoothly combine up to sixteen sounds, opening up the possibilities for high-quality sound editing. It also made it possible to switch these channels based on speed.
Things Motor是戴夫·杨(Dave Young)的《水晶宫》(The Crystal Palace)的现代延伸版,与电子音乐家海因巴赫(Hainbach)共同开发。Things Motor是一款音效设计,灵感来自Dave Young为BBC广播工作室创作的《水晶宫》。它使用一个大的电容器在马达上旋转。使用此设备,您可以顺利组合多达16种声音,为高质量的声音编辑提供了可能。它还可以根据速度切换这些通道。
This avant-garde technique from the past can be heard on the soundtrack to Brian Hodgson and Delia Derbyshire’s Doctor Who’s “Crotons” series. He was able to create sounds ranging from sublime to almost granular. Things Motor takes this idea and brings it to life today. This is not only emulation, but also furth
在布莱恩·霍奇森(Brian Hodgson)和迪莉娅·
Hand Clapper v1.5.1 – 808, 909, HC2, and more
Hats v1.5.1 – Hi-Hats and Cymbals
Latin Percussion v1.5 – Analog Drum Machine
miniBit v1.6.4 – 8bit Synthesizer
Noises v1.0.0 – Creative Texture Instrument
SR-88 v1.5 – Analog Drum Machine
SR-88 v1。5–模拟滚筒机
Alborosie Dub Station v1.0.0 – filter, echo, spring reverb.
Dials v1.0.2 – test equipment channel strip.
Fog Convolver v2.1.1 – convolution processor.
Frostbite v2.2.0 – multi-effect.
Gong Amp v1.0.0 – resonator.
Mantis v1.0.1 – vintage BBD Echo.
Megaphone v1.5.4 – bull horn / loudspeaker emulation.
miniVerb v1.2.0 – 8-bit lo-fi reverb.
OuterSpace v1.3.3 – Roland RE-201 space echo emulation.
Phase Motion v2.0.0 – phaser.
Reels v1.5.2 – tape emulation with built-in echo and tape stop effect.
Space Strip v1.2.0 – multi-effects strip.
Speakers v1.2.3 – simulation of a microphone and speakers.
Springs v1.3.3 – collection of vintage spring reverbs.
The Orb v1.2.1 – formant filter.
Things Bubbles v1.1.0 – sparkling delay filter bank.
Things Crusher v1.1.0 – bit crusher and filter.
Things Flip EQ v1.1.1 – inclined equalizer.
Things Motor v1.1.0 – rotor morphing effect.
Things Texture v1.1.1 – granular reverb.
Type-A v1.3.1 – Improver based on @ Dolby-A noise reduction.
Type-B v1.1.0 – harmonic exciter.
Valves v1.0.3 – emulation of vintage valves.
Vinyl Strip v1.6.1 – vintage strip multi-effects.
WaveBox v1.5.1 – dynamic double waveformer.
Wires v1.2.1 – an echo of the Soviet wire tape recorder.
