Denise Audio offers high-quality audio plugins, each specifically designed to improve a specific part of the mixing process.
Denise Audio提供高质量的音频插件,每个插件都是专门为改进混音过程的特定部分而设计的。
Bad Tape 2
Offers an unparalleled degree of control over tape emulation parameters and even more opportunities for producers to delicately bend space and time or completely destroy their sound.
Bass XL Bass XL’s
precision boost and coloring options give you the power to control unruly lower registers, add weight to flaccid percussion, and transform inconsistent basslines into expansive, oversized grooves that never deviate from what you want.
Bite Harder
Conventional bit crushers provide little to no musicality, delivering a static sound that leaves audio epicures hungry for more. Bite Harder offers instrumental control over sound reduction, allowing producers to expertly blend effects from subtle lo-fi crackle to all-out arcade destruction and back again.
传统的bit crusher几乎没有音乐性,提供的静态声音让音频史诗渴望更多。Bite Harder提供了对降噪的乐器控制,使制作人能够熟练地将从细微的低保真爆裂声到全面的街机破坏再到回来的效果融合在一起。
Dragon Fire
Tame dynamics and turn up the intensity with Dragon Fire, a customizable compressor that allows producers to stick with the classics or mix and match tonal characteristics to create custom configurations that were previously the stuff of fantasy.
Dragon Fire是一款可定制的压缩器,可以让制作人坚持经典或混搭色调特征,创造出以前属于幻想的定制配置,从而缓和动态并提高强度。
God Mode
Harnessing the superpowers of the legendary tone-shaping push-pull EQ, God Mode gives mere mortals the ability to apply multi-band distortion to their sound with an unprecedented degree of control and nuance.
利用传奇的音调塑造推挽式EQ的超能力,God Mode让普通人能够以前所未有的控制度和细微差别将多波段失真应用到他们的声音中。
Noize 2
Plugin for adaptive noise generator. It allows producers to add custom texture and interest to their tracks by selecting and modifying the 8 built-in noise types or loading their own samples.
Perfect Plate XL
Perfect Plate XL
Uses our TXVerb technology to create massive, flexible stereo reverb that producers can use to add a touch of vintage ambience to their recordings or send their sound straight into the abyss.
Perfect Room
Allows producers to create a wide range of reverbs that increase the volume and dimension of their tracks without the risk of small artifacts or mix-drowning resonances.
Calls upon the spirits of transient, gating and pumping to create a plugin that producers can turn to for effective sound shaping and precise control of audio dynamics and clarity.
Sub Generator
Gives producers the ability to generate and shape sub frequencies to deepen basslines, enhance drum sounds, and add stunning low end to their mixes.
The Sweeper
Throw away tradition and bring your tracks to life with Sweeper, a dynamic filter that lets you create exciting sonic movements on individual tracks or add the finishing touch to a mix by connecting its wrapper to another audio source.