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[合成/合成器/其它] 快速音乐制作套件提供了40多个小型合成器和鼓机KORG–Gadget2 Plugins 2.8.01



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发表于 2023-8-6 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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KORG Gadget is the best all-in-one music production software and plugin collection; the intuitive user interface provides over 40 small synthesizers and drum machines called “Gadgets," that you can freely combine for music production. Starting with the award winning iOS edition, followed by Gadget for Mac with its powerful plugin collection, now the Gadget plug-ins are now Windows compatible." With carefully selected parameters and at-the-ready sounds/presets, you can now use various powerful gadgets with your favorite DAW on your Mac/PC.


With improved sound and utility efficiency, the second generation KORG Gadget 2 has been further enhanced to include six new gadgets. In addition, the intuitive user interface has been polished to improve ease of use. With the new design, you can now check the status of each track at a glance, an additional four new IFX have been included and you can now smoothly change the tempo as well as fade in/fade out. You can complete your music without losing inspiration, doing all of your work with KORG Gadget 2.


Instrument collection with over 40 gadgets.


Overwhelming sound. Breakthrough qualities. The KORG Gadget 2 has more than 40 gadget instruments in its collection, including compact synthesizers, drum machines, samplers, audio, MIDI utilities and more. In order for anyone to be able to easily find the sounds they want, we have provided sophisticated parameter configurations, so you can instantly realize your ideal sound. Powerful gadget groups such as electronic music, rock, pop, jazz, and even band sounds are available. Among the various gadgets, you can always find the sound that you're looking for.


Freely use plugins on your platform.


Want to use the KORG Gadget's at-the-ready power with your favorite DAW? In the second generation of the KORG Gadget, we introduced the budget-friendly "KORG Gadget 2 Plugins for Mac/PC*1,” a sought after Windows-compatible model that includes a package of plugins in addition to the KORG Gadget for Mac, with easy accessibility to all gadgets in plugin form. Compatible with VST, AU * 2, AAX, and NKS, the Gadgets and synthesizers that gained an excellent reputation on iOS are now available for a wide range of applications. Comprehensive at-the-ready sounds/presets are included. With your favorite DAW*3, you can use many distinctive and powerful sounds with carefully selected parameters.

想要将KORG小工具与您喜爱的DAW一起使用吗?在第二代KORG小工具中,我们推出了经济实惠的“适用于Mac/PC*1的KORG Gadget 2插件”,这是一款广受欢迎的Windows兼容机型,除了适用于Mac的KORGGadget外,还包括一套插件,所有插件形式的小工具都可以轻松访问。与VST、AU*2、AAX和NKS兼容,在iOS上获得良好声誉的小工具和合成器现在可用于广泛的应用程序。包括全面的现成声音/预设。使用您最喜欢的DAW*3,您可以通过精心选择的参数使用许多独特而强大的声音。

Use with your favorite device, anytime, anywhere.


KORG Gadget 2 can be used with iOS, Mac, via plug-in (Mac/PC), and Nintendo Switch. On iOS and Mac, you can share your ideas by seamlessly using iCloud or an Ableton Live*1 project, and using plugins in your favorite DAW; for Nintendo Switch, share seamlessly via QR code. *2 Wherever, whenever inspiration strikes, you can use you favorite device to take your KORG Gadget with you.

KORG小工具2可以通过插件(Mac/PC)和任天堂Switch与iOS、Mac一起使用。在iOS和Mac上,您可以无缝使用iCloud或Ableton Live*1项目,并在您喜欢的DAW中使用插件来分享您的想法;对于Nintendo Switch,通过二维码无缝共享*2无论何时何地,只要灵感迸发,您都可以使用自己喜爱的设备随身携带KORG小工具。

Easy to use with a MIDI Controller.


With KORG Gadget 2, you can freely select the MIDI controller best suited for your purposes. For example, nanoKEY Studio and nanoKONTROL Studio can step record and mix wirelessly. Because they support KORG native mode*, the controllers are automatically optimized for KORG Gadget 2 just by connecting to it, and each gadget, transport, etc., can be set up and used without worrying about setting up hardware like knobs and sliders. Pick up the pace and create music by finding a MIDI controller that inspires you.

使用KORG小工具2,您可以自由选择最适合您用途的MIDI控制器。例如,nanoKEY Studio和nanoKONTROL Studio可以无线录制和混合。因为它们支持KORG原生模式*,控制器只需连接到KORG Gadget 2即可自动为其进行优化,并且每个小工具、运输工具等都可以设置和使用,而无需担心设置旋钮和滑块等硬件。找到一个能激励你的MIDI控制器,加快节奏,创造音乐。




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