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[吉它效果器] 八度音阶踏板Nembrini Audio–NA QUINTA PITCH MACHINE 1.0.1 VST,VST3,AAX效果器



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发表于 2021-7-27 09:41:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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Nembrini Audio announces the release of the Quinta Pitch Machine plug-in in the style of a pedal octave. The Quinta Pitch Machine plugin is more than your standard octave, as it not only gives a control of +1 fifth to the standard octave up / down versus the capability of most hardware octavers, except for the miniature Danish model from which it draws software inspiration.

Nembrini Audio宣布推出踏板八度音阶风格的Quinta音高机插件。Quinta Pitch Machine插件比您的标准八度音阶更强大,因为它不仅提供了标准八度音阶上/下+1/5的控制能力,而不是大多数硬件八度音阶的能力,除了它从中汲取软件灵感的微型丹麦模型。

Obviously, octave pedals transpose guitar signals an octave up or down, providing the perfect effect for amplifying the sound of guitar riffs. Clearly classic octave doubling sounds awesome, as evidenced by numerous classic recordings, but adding a fifth up in addition to the standard octave up / down capabilities of most hardware octaves gives guitarists a lot more room to create a whole new world. This is where the Quinta Pitch Machine plays the role of a pedal-style octave plug-in with distinction – adding an extra +1 FIFTH control to the mix.


Musically, each of the three intervals available to Quinta Pitch Machine users can be dialed individually using the volume controls – +1 OCTAVE, adding a note that is one octave higher than the note played on the instrument being processed, -1 OCTAVE, adding a note, which is one octave lower than the note being played, and +1 FIFTH adds a note that is one fifth higher than the note being played, so the sonic capabilities include organ, synthesizer, and 12-string guitar sounds. Of course, it is natural to play single power chords as another result.

音乐上,Quinta Pitch Machine用户可用的三个音程中的每一个都可以使用音量控制单独拨号–+1个八度,添加一个比正在处理的乐器上播放的音符高一个八度的音符,-1个八度,添加一个比正在播放的音符低一个八度的音符,而+1/5加上一个比演奏的音符高出五分之一的音符,因此音质功能包括风琴、合成器和12弦吉他声音。当然,这是自然发挥单一的权力和弦作为另一个结果。

Control continues with MIX, which adjusts the balance between the natural (dry) signal coming from the instrument being played and the configuration of added octaves and fifths set using these three volume controls to create the desired pitch-shifted sound, while the ‘LED The ‘at the top of the colorful GUI indicates when an effect is on or off, working in conjunction with a switch to turn the effect on or off. Turning on or off also refers to the HIGH Q switch; when activated, the pitch bend algorithm works with high quality, although it introduces a delay that the DAW (digital audio workstation) compensates for.






发表于 2022-2-23 16:10:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国山东青岛
音乐上,Quinta Pitch Machine用户可用的三个音程中的每一个都可以使用音量控制单独拨号–+1个八度,添加一个比正在处理的乐器上播放的音符高一个八度的音符,-1个八度,添加一个比正在播放的音符低一个八度的音符,而+1/5加上一个比演奏的音符高出五分之一的音符,因此音质功能包括风琴、合成器和12弦吉他声音。当然,这是自然发挥单一的权力和弦作为另一个结果。


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