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[弦乐] Audio Ollie – Nashville Scoring Strings (KONTAKT)弦乐采样音源合成器



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发表于 2021-6-24 22:20:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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C featuring some of Nashville’s finest strings at Ocean Way Studios, a world-class sound scoring environment, we have dedicated over two years to capturing the expressive performances of the incredible musicians we have worked with.

C在Ocean Way Studios拥有纳什维尔最优秀的弦乐,这是一个世界级的配乐环境,我们在两年多的时间里致力于捕捉与我们合作过的令人难以置信的音乐家的富有表现力的表演。

By using performance-based sampling techniques, we were able to preserve the subtle details and expressiveness of real live recordings while retaining the sense of depth inherent in the room. Each note was analyzed in real time during the sessions to make sure we keep timbre consistency.


All short articulations have been taken from repetition-based performances to maximize fluidity and coherence. Legato transients have been taken from musical phrases to convey a level of expression reminiscent of that of a real piece of music. Every aspect of this library has been handled with the utmost attention to detail and the results are unmatched.


Focusing on the articulation of the main strings, Nashville Scoring Strings covers the main playing styles associated with contemporary film score. In these basic performance types, we prioritized quality over quantity in order to create a new benchmark for string libraries.


Recorded by music mixer Nick Spezia (Call of Duty, Fortnite, Outlander), we’ve captured the sound that’s present in many famous movies, TV shows and video games. We have made every effort to push the boundaries of what is currently possible when developing a sample library. We’re incredibly proud to present Nashville Scoring Strings!

由音乐混音师Nick Spezia(使命召唤、Fortnite、Outlander)录制,我们捕捉到了许多著名电影、电视节目和电子游戏中的声音。在开发样本库时,我们已经尽了一切努力来突破目前可能的界限。我们非常自豪能给纳什维尔带来进球机会!

Sampling During Performance – We approached sampling strings from Nashville with phrases during performance. All short articulations were taken from real replays, and the legato was taken from real melodies. The result is the highest level of fluidity and musical expression.


Musicians of Nashville – Nashville is home to some of the finest musicians in the world. Top performers from across the country have become part of the Nashville music scene, including orchestras.


Soundtracks – Nashville has become a popular soundtrack destination for many films, TV shows, and video games. Composers Bear McCreary, John Debney, Trevor Morris and Hans Zimmer have recently worked with Nashville Scoring and Oceanway Studios. With its growing popularity, Nashville is quickly becoming synonymous with Los Angeles and London as a popular voiceover destination for films.


Ocean Way Studio A – Ocean Way Studio A has been recognized for its unique sound. The premise built in an old church has a distinct early reflection and a tightly controlled atmosphere. Its flexible yet spacious three-dimensional sound makes it an ideal place for sampling strings.

Ocean Way Studio A–Ocean Way Studio A因其独特的声音而获得认可。在一个古老的教堂中建造的前提有一个明显的早期反射和一个严格控制的气氛。其灵活而宽敞的三维声音使其成为采样弦的理想场所。


发表于 2023-7-26 20:05:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国广西北海


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