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[键盘乐器] Sonuscore– lo.ki–Felt Piano (KONTAKT) 钢琴采样合成器音源下载



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2021-6-13 23:58:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆

Sonuscore lo • ki is a virtual library for the Native Instruments Kontakt sampler. The compressed volume of the tool is 2.6 GB. The piano offers five layers of velocity parameter and up to five sound variations per note.
Sonuscore lo•ki是本地仪器Kontakt采样器的虚拟库。该工具的压缩容量为2.6 GB。钢琴提供了五层速度参数和最多五个音变每个音符。
To record the microphone, three microphones were used in different positions, thanks to which the creators were able to capture many of the nuances and features of the sound. Any sound is configurable in the library parameters section.
Among the settings are available volume envelopes that control the attack and decay of the signal, the dynamics of sound production, control of the environment, the mechanical components of the piano. In addition, there is an effects section, consisting of several types of reverb and a unique “Glow” option that adds atmosphere and depth to the sound.




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