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[吉它效果器] Ampeg & Line 6 – SVT Suite 1.0 + Helix Native 3.10 VST低音仿真效果器插件



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发表于 2021-5-27 19:40:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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Ampeg SVT Suite: the first bass cabinet emulator from the Ampeg Official copies of the legendary bass equipment. Ampeg has released its first proprietary plug-in – the Ampeg SVT Suite bass cabinet and amplifier emulator. The development offers emulations of bass cabinets, heads and Ampeg effects.

Ampeg SVT套件:第一个低音柜仿真器从Ampeg官方副本的传奇低音设备。Ampeg发布了其第一个专有插件-Ampeg SVT套件低音柜和放大器模拟器。开发提供了低音柜,头部和Ampeg效果仿真。

Ampeg amps and cabinets are some of the most popular bass equipment emulations. Virtual versions of American equipment are present in most emulators: copies of Ampeg are found in the AmpliTube, TH-U and Logic Pro databases, a separate version was also released by the Plugin Alliance. Now the equipment has received an official virtual version, created by the programmers of Ampeg itself.


Ampeg SVT Suite is a collection of the most famous bass equipment of the American company. The plug-in catalog contains emulations of the Heritage SVT-CL, Heritage 50th Anniversary SVT and SVT-4PRO amplifiers, as well as SVT cabinets of various configurations. All emulations are recorded with six microphones: Neumann U47, Sennheiser MD421, AKG D112, Coles 4038, Electro-Voice RE20 and Royer R121.

Ampeg SVT套件是美国公司最著名的低音设备的集合。插件目录包含对Heritage SVT-CL、Heritage 50周年纪念SVT和SVT-4PRO放大器的仿真,以及各种配置的SVT机柜。所有的模拟都用六个麦克风录制:Neumann U47、Sennheiser MD421、AKG D112、Coles 4038、Electro Voice RE20和Royer R121。

The plugin allows you to freely change the settings of the equipment and choose the position of the microphones in space. So, for example, you can select the degree of lamp heating with the BIAS regulator, select the amount of noise and response. Additionally, the emulator is equipped with the Dual Cab / Dual IR operating mode, which allows combining two devices and different microphones.


In addition, SVT Suite is equipped with a set of five effects pedals previously released by Ampeg: Scrambler, Opto Comp, Liquifier, Phasifier, Rocktaver. The developers note that the emulator is also equipped with a built-in virtual di-box and noise gate. The plugin also includes 50 presets to get you started.


Helix Native is an award-winning guitar effects processor in plug-in format.


Helix® Native: Implements the powerful and tonal authentic award-winning HX Modeling technology in the plugin. Like the hardware members of the Helix family of guitar processors – Helix Floor, Helix Rack and Helix LT, the Helix Native plug-in provides accurate reproduction of vintage and modern amps, cabinets, mics and effects, as well as signal routing and an intuitive user interface.

螺旋® 本机:在插件中实现强大和色调真实的获奖HX建模技术。与Helix吉他处理器系列的硬件成员——Helix地板、Helix机架和Helix LT一样,Helix本机插件提供了老式和现代放大器、机柜、麦克风和效果的精确复制,以及信号路由和直观的用户界面。

The Helix Native plugin is intended not only for guitarists, but also for producers and sound engineers, film / TV / game composers, electronic musicians, and anyone else who wants to create exciting new sounds and special effects. And preset compatibility across the entire Helix family allows Helix hardware users to stream sounds created in the studio by simply transferring presets from their plugins to their Helix Floor, Helix Rack, or Helix LT processors.

Helix本机插件不仅适用于吉他手,也适用于制作人和声音工程师、电影/电视/游戏作曲家、电子音乐家以及任何其他想要创造令人兴奋的新声音和特殊效果的人。整个Helix系列的预置兼容性允许Helix硬件用户只需将预置从插件传输到Helix地板、Helix机架或Helix LT处理器,就可以在录音室中播放声音。

Designed to Inspire: Most Popular Amp & Effects Models. The Helix Native plugin provides an unlimited creative palette for inspiring tone creation, with over 60 amps, over 30 cabinets, and a wide range of effects (over 100 effects). The interface provides a fast and intuitive tone editing workflow, so you can instantly access the entire waveform and quickly create your settings. Helix Native also supports third party impulses (IRs), offering even more flexibility.

设计灵感:最流行的Amp&Effects模型。螺旋本机插件提供了一个无限的创意调色板鼓舞人心的音调创作,超过60安培,超过30柜,和广泛的影响(超过100个效果)。该界面提供了一个快速和直观的音调编辑工作流程,因此您可以立即访问整个波形,并快速创建您的设置。Helix Native还支持第三方脉冲(IRs),提供了更大的灵活性。

Take Your Sounds to the Stage: Seamless Workflow and Wide Compatibility. Helix Native plugin supports wide compatibility with popular DAWs, offering powerful 64-bit performance on AAX, VST / VST3 platforms. It also integrates tightly with Helix hardware, so you can transfer your presets between them.






发表于 2022-5-14 11:30:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国上海



发表于 2022-2-23 16:13:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国山东青岛


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