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[混响] Rivium Software – RiviumAI 2基于人工智能的混响效果器



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发表于 2021-5-14 21:35:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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RIVIUM AI is the best artificial intelligence based reverb. With RIVIUM AI, creating a reverb effect is incredibly fast and easy.

RIVIUM AI是最好的基于人工智能的混响器。使用RIVIUM AI,创建混响效果非常快速和简单。

RiviumAI is the best sound reverb plugin that integrates advanced digital audio processing functions with artificial intelligence. Thanks to this new technology, it is able to automatically analyze and recognize most sources, mainly voices, electric and classical guitars, electric and acoustic basses, synthesizers, acoustic and electric pianos. RiviumAI is a powerful plug-in compatible with most DAWs that simplifies post-production of any acoustic or digital instrument.


With this software, you will learn how to best set up reverb for your instruments, choose the optimal setting for your mix, control early and late reflections in real time, and more.


The main feature of RiviumAI is its automatic grinding algorithm. In fact, it continuously scans the dry signal records until it learns to convert the dry signal on its own. The end result is a powerful algorithm that simulates the ideal room and sets the automatic reverberation time.


RiviumAI will allow you to select sounds that range from confined spaces and rooms to traditional hallways and plates, expansive spaces modulated extremely quickly and with a revolutionary AI algorithm specially designed for early and late acoustic energy equalization that delivers the spatial and phase signals needed for creating an “idealized” room experience with amazing precision and speed.


We have partnered with technicians and manufacturers to train the plugin’s neural network. Using RiviumAI is like a team of experts for a mixing session. You can create great mixes of guitars, vocals and drums. In the latest updates, we introduced twelve original reverb algorithms that produce a wide range of natural reverb sounds.


RiviumAI offers an efficient layout to create a unique environment for any voice or instrument. You can quickly choose from realistic rooms and navigate deeper with advanced options to add your own personal touch.


Plus, you can use the new technology presets to quickly reach your starting point with an intelligent workflow that guides you through the selection of sounds to suit your needs. RiviumAI parameters can be automated in your DAW, allowing you to create sound spaces that evolve, move, and blend with your music! With so many options, RiviumAI is a complete reverb chain in one plugin.


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