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Aberrant DSP SketchCassette II is a new lo-fi / saturation plugin that brings the warmth and wild character of cassette recorders to your DAW. lo-fi seems to be on the agenda now. After AudioThing Wires, Aberrant DSP comes with a new plug-in that brings your favorite lo-fi tone to your sounds. SketchCassette II is an effects processor inspired by vintage 4-track cassette recorders such as the Tascam 414.
Aberrant DSP SketchCase II是一款新的低保真/饱和插件,它将盒式录音机的温暖和野性带给您的DAW。低保真似乎已提上议事日程。继AudioThing Wires之后,Aberrant DSP附带了一个新的插件,可以将您最喜欢的lo-fi音色带到您的声音中。SketchCase II是一款特效处理器,灵感来自老式的4声道盒式录音机,如Tascam414。
It emulates not only the iconic features of these beloved devices of the past, but also the character that these devices give to each sound signal. Originally marketed as recorders, they are now unique sound design tools that can add character to tracks.
SketchCassete II recreates all of these aspects in one simple plugin for PC and Mac.
It is capable of generating lo-fi, wow & flutter and fully saturated sounds. The developers have gone even further and offer musicians additional features with which you can make your sounds even weirder.
SketchCassette II has 12 unique tape types and quality profiles that give you a wide variety of different flavors. With age modeling controls, you can make the plugin more modern or older. The older he gets, the dirtier and crappier the timbres become. Of course, you can use the plugin as a generic unit of saturation.
2 different models are available: softer and harder.
Plus, it includes tape hiss, dropouts with new advanced stereo width control, and an adjustable wow & flutter section. Exactly what you would expect from such emulation.
Aberrant DSP goes one step deeper. FM mode allows you to adjust the jitter rate using the wow controls. This greatly expands the sound range of the plugin. Finally, you have mixing controls for filtering and compressing the tape.