![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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HY-Poly is a polyphonic subtractive synthesizer with an intuitive modulation process. The synthesizer is equipped with two oscillators with vibrato and sync, an auxiliary oscillator, a noise generator, two multi-mode filters (low pass, high pass and band pass), four envelopes, double LFOs, S&H, three sequencers, and a trio of effects (delay, chorus and utility effect) … The main oscillators can be freely changed between sawtooth and pulse waveforms with adjustable pulse width.
The oscillator section also includes an optional third oscillator and modulation oscillator that supports FM, ring modulation, and FM feedback. There’s a MIDI FX section, and it adds numerous goodies like the insanely flexible arpeggiator, MIDI harmony, note echo, velocity instruments, and more. The audio FX section has over twenty additional effects. There are also macro controls for setting multiple parameters at the same time.
振荡器部分还包括可选的第三振荡器和调制振荡器,该振荡器支持FM、环调制和FM反馈。有一个MIDI FX部分,它添加了许多好东西,如疯狂灵活的琶音师,MIDI和声,音符回声,速度乐器等等。音频FX部分有超过20个附加效果。还有宏控件,用于同时设置多个参数。
Add: Vector Oscillator
Add: Midi Out option
Add: Editable label for Macro controls
Add: 26 new factory presets (by New Loops)
Fix: The delay parameter of MPenv doesn’t work properly
Fix: Midi learn for the oscillator phase doesn’t work correctly
Fix: The plugin doesn’t handle polyphonic aftertouch correctly
Fix: Momentary / Toggle state of Macro button doesn’t recall correctly