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Through unique granular algorithms, Manipulator VST crack can dramatically alter the timbre and pitch of monophonic audio in new and unexplored ways. From subtly imposing pitch and harmonization, to a full-on sonic mangle that will leave you with a totally new sound, Manipulator VST crack is as versatile as it is creativity-inducing.
通过独特的颗粒算法,操纵器VST crack可以以新的和未经探索的方式显著改变单声道音频的音色和基音。从微妙的强制音高和协调,到一个完整的音质扭曲,将给你一个全新的声音,机械手VST裂纹是一样的多功能,因为它是创造力诱导。
Bend and sculpt your sounds into new ones
Alter timbre and pitch of vocals and instruments
10 Different effects with endless combinations
Change melodies of existing performances
Create harmonies with up to 4 polyphonic voices
Extensive modulation capabilities
Real-time processing for live performance
near-endless manipulation
Equipped with 10 different effects including pitch processing, formant, harmonics, sound smearing, pseudo stereo and more, Manipulator VST crack can take a normal vocal and transform it into a complex, entrancing new sound. Other monophonic and rhythmic sources work particularly well with cracked Manipulator.
机械手VST crack配备了10种不同的效果,包括基音处理、共振峰、谐波、声音涂抹、伪立体声等,可以将正常人声转换为复杂、迷人的新声音。其他单声道和节奏声源在有裂纹的操纵器上工作得特别好。
alter pitch in real time
Like I Wish, Manipulator VST crack allows users to accept midi data in real-time, allowing pitch shifting to be controlled on the fly via the midi controller. Didn’t like the vocal melody in a take? Play it the way you hear it! Manipulator VST crack transposes pitch seamlessly and adds a unique texture to incoming audio. Manipulator VST crack supports up to 4 polyphonic voices when used with a midi input.
如我所愿,操纵器VST crack允许用户实时接受midi数据,允许通过midi控制器动态控制音高变换。你不喜欢这首歌的旋律吗?按你听到的方式演奏!操纵器VST crack无缝转换音高,并为传入的音频添加独特的纹理。当与midi输入一起使用时,操纵器VST crack最多支持4种合成音。
Watch the videos below, and see how it’s done.
infected mushroom’s secret weapon manipulator vst crack
A large part of Infected Mushroom’s signature sound is its array of vocal manipulation techniques. Most of the vocals on their albums are actually mangled, edited, chopped, and heavily processed – all in the pursuit of making them sound like synthesizers.
It’s not hard to see why making the ultimate vocal processor was the obvious next step after “I Wish”.
Through our unique “Artistic feedback” process, the artists use ever-changing prototypes to make their ow