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K歌录音VST效果器下载 VSTI音源下载 声卡调试

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[EZKEY] Toontrack EZkeys Complete 1.2.5 x86 x64 VSTi AAX RTAS 全系列键盘咅源合成器



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2021-3-8 14:17:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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Toontrack EZkeys is more than a piano or keyboard instrument, it's a powerful songwriting tool, which comes packed with intuitive functionality that will make it a breeze adding creative layers of music to your songs or writing custom pieces from scratch.

Toontrack EZkeys不仅仅是一个钢琴或键盘乐器,它是一个强大的歌曲创作工具,它具有直观的功能,可以轻松地为您的歌曲添加创造性的音乐层次或从头开始编写自定义作品。

• With EZkeys, you don t have to be a keyboard player to write great piano-based songs or add world-class piano parts to your already written material.


• The MIDI library of playing variations that comes with each EZkeys and the ever-growing selection of MIDI expansion content will literally give you hundreds upon undreds of ideas for new songs.


• Even if EZkeys is great at throwing ideas at you, the software features make sure that you are in full creative control and that the music that comes out is exactly what you envisioned.


Classic Electrics v1.0.2
Dream Machine v1.0.0
Electric Grand v1.0.0
Grand Piano v1.0.4
Mellotoon v1.0.1
Pipe Organ v1.0.0
Retro Electrics v1.0.2
Small Upright v1.0.0
String Machine v1.0.0
Studio Grand v1.0.0
Upright Piano v1.0.2
Vintage Upright v1.0.0
A.O.R. v1.0.1
A.O.R. Ballads v1.0.0
Ballads v1.0.0
Ballads 2 v1.0.0
Blues v1.0.0
Boogie v1.0.0
Classic Soul v1.0.0
Country v1.0.0
Country Pop v1.0.0
Disco v1.0.0
Dream Pop v1.0.0
Emotional Ballads v1.0.0
Funk v1.0.0
Fusion v1.0.0
Gospel v1.0.0
Hip-Hop v1.0.0
Indie Pop v1.0.1
Jazz v1.0.0
Jazz Ballads v1.0.0
Keys & Strings v1.0.0
Latin v1.0.0
Movie Scores v1.0.0
Neo Soul v1.0.0
New Wave v1.0.0
Piano Pop v1.0.0
Pop/Rock v1.1.0
RnB v1.0.0
Rock Ballads v1.0.1
Seventies Prog v1.0.0
Shuffles v1.0.0
Singer-Songwriter v1.0.0
UK Pop v1.0.0

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