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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
这是iZotope 与 Exponential 公司合作的专业级数字环绕立体声多通道3D混响效果器,插件小,但功能强劲。
具有复杂控制的逼真环绕声混响。指数音频是一家相对较新的公司,但他们有很多经验。迈克尔·卡恩斯(Michael Carnes)是Lexicon备受赞誉的PCM系列的创造者之一,他在数字混响算法的开发方面无人能及,或许并不奇怪,Exponential Audio的两款首款产品都是人工混响发生器。
Realistic surround sound reverb with sophisticated controls. Exponential Audio is a relatively new company, but they have a lot of experience. Michael Carnes, one of the creators of Lexicon’s acclaimed PCM series, is unmatched in the development of digital reverb algorithms, and perhaps not surprisingly, both of Exponential Audio’s first products are artificial reverb generators.
Exponential Audio Phoenix Verb Surround (ESD) – Surround Reverb plug-in – algorithmic pure reverb without sound modulation of the tail, suitable for surround sound purposes – supports the following formats: Mono, Stereo, LCR, LCRS, Quad, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0 , 7.1, SDDS – very natural sounding for amplification and lengthening of reverb time – contains plate, chamber and hall configurations – plug-in latency up to 1ms.
Add the depth and clarity of PhoenixVerb to your mix in any surround post production setup up to 7.1. In addition, PhoenixVerb Surround’s 3D connectivity allows multiple instances to be linked for even more complex multi-channel operation.
