最初的刀片合成器发布在2012年有一个独特的概念,在控制波形谐波(Harmolator)使用一个XY垫。最重要的是,XY pad的运动也可以录制,编辑,并播放基于节奏。BLADE的这个概念意味着,与常规的减法甚至添加合成器相比,您可以生成一些非常不同的声音。通过BLADE-2,我们进一步扩展了BLADE的功能,让它成为喜欢跳出盒子思考和喜欢实验的synth爱好者的梦想合成器! 除了Harmolator模式,我们现在还包括了一个添加模式,它允许你使用XY pad在4个添加的波形之间变形或混合。当然,除了使用这些附加波,您还可以创建和编辑您自己的! 另一个新增加的部分是一个专门的波浪分析部分,允许分析样本数据到一个波形,然后可以在Harmolator或加法部分使用。 为了扩展声音选项,甚至更多,BLADE-2还包括一个额外的模拟型振荡器加上一个噪声振荡器。然而,它还不止于此,因为它现在有32种不同的滤镜类型来帮助你进一步塑造你的声音! 翼刃2内部的琶音部分也收到了一个巨大的更新,一些非常酷的新功能。 现在有另外两行用于控制XY pad的X和Y位置。还有新的“棘轮”功能,包括不同的棘轮模式。 最后但并非最不重要的,BLADE-2有3个多FX处理器与高品质的一流- Rob Papen -FX。 File Size: 134.5 MB The original BLADE synthesizer released in 2012 had a unique concept in controlling the waveform harmonics (Harmolator) by using an XY pad. On top of that, the XY pad movement could also be recorded, edited, and played back tempo-based.This concept of BLADE meant that you could generate some very different sounds, compared to regular subtractive and even additive synthesizers. With BLADE-2 we have expanded the features of BLADE even further again making it a dream synthesizer for synth lovers who like to think out of the box and love to experiment!
Next to the Harmolator mode, we have now included an Additive mode which allows you to morph or mix between 4 additive waveforms using the XY pad. Of course, in addition to using these additive waves, you can also create and edit your own!
Another new addition is a dedicated wave-analyze section that allows to analyze of sample data into a waveform, which then again can be used in the Harmolator or Additive section. To expand the sound options, even more, BLADE-2 also includes an additional analog-type oscillator plus a noise oscillator. However, it doesn’t stop there, because it now has 32 different Filter types to help shape your sound further!
The Arpeggiator section inside BLADE-2 has also received a huge update with some very cool new features.
There are now two additional rows for controlling the X and Y position of the XY pad. Also new is the ‘ratcheting’ feature including different ratcheting modes. Last but not least, BLADE-2 has 3 Multi-FX processors with the high-quality top-notch – Rob Papen - FX.

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