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熟悉Unfiltered Audio的任何人都可能猜到,即使是这些人的简单延迟,也会有点不同。将“即时延迟”(Instant Delay)放入您的标准延迟返回中,它将尽职尽责地执行您期望的所有日常任务——从闷热的声道上的立体声回声到起伏的合成垫上的环境延迟尾部。但正是Unfiltered独特的创意让它成为一个必备的插件,即使你已经有了十几种不同的延迟选项。
Anyone who is familiar with Unfiltered Audio can probably guess that even a simple delay from these guys is going to be a little different. Drop Instant Delay into your standard delay returns, and it will dutifully perform all the everyday tasks you’d expect – anything from stereo echoes on a sultry vocal track to ambient delay tails on an undulating synth pad. But it’s Unfiltered’s unique creative touches that make this a must-have plugin, even if you already have a dozen different delay options at your fingertips.
For its deceptively simple interface, Instant Delay offers a huge amount of control and sonic possibility. The innovative layout of the Delay Time setting not only offers tempo syncing for stereo channels together or separately, but also the option to offset one channel’s delay time relative to the other, thus widening the stereo field for shorter offset times, or creating mesmerizing syncopated rhythms for longer ones. Create a simple flange effect on a mono lead track with a short, linked delay; then try upmixing it to stereo with a small offset. Then increase the offset and crank up the feedback to whip delay tails around your head, and finally dial in some natural character with the Jitter knob, which introduces an element of randomness to your selected delay time.
由于其看似简单的界面,Instant Delay提供了大量的控制和声音可能性。“延迟时间”设置的创新布局不仅为立体声声道提供了一起或单独的节奏同步,而且还可以选择相对于另一个声道的延迟时间进行偏移,从而将立体声场扩大到更短的偏移时间,或为更长的声道创造出令人着迷的切分节奏。在单导联轨迹上创建一个简单的凸缘效果,具有短的链接延迟;然后尝试用一个小的偏移量将其上混为立体声。然后增加偏移量并加大反馈力度,在你的头上挥舞延迟尾巴,最后用抖动旋钮拨入一些自然的字符,这会给你选择的延迟时间引入随机性元素。
Perhaps Instant Delay’s biggest attraction is its artifact-free delay buffer, which made its first appearance in Unfiltered Audio’s flagship delay plugin, Sandman Pro. Anyone who has ever adjusted a delay setting in real-time is all too familiar with the sometimes unwanted glitches and effects that can clutter up the mix. Tape delay emulations can cause pitch fluctuations, and pure digital delays can add crackling and other digital noise as they try to truncate or add time to the delay buffer. Not so with Instant Delay, which uses a unique algorithm that enables the buffer to seamlessly make the jump from one delay time to another. Create beautiful time-stretching effects by modulating the delay time slowly from short to long, or automate the rhythm on your echoes without having to bypass Instant Delay in between settings.
也许Instant Delay最大的吸引力是它的无伪影延迟缓冲器,它首次出现在Unfiltered Audio的旗舰延迟插件Sandman Pro中。任何曾经实时调整过延迟设置的人都非常熟悉有时不需要的故障和影响,这些故障和影响可能会扰乱组合。磁带延迟仿真可能会导致音调波动,而纯数字延迟可能会在试图截断或增加延迟缓冲区的时间时增加爆裂声和其他数字噪声。Instant Delay则不然,它使用了一种独特的算法,使缓冲区能够无缝地从一个延迟时间跳到另一个延迟。通过从短到长缓慢调节延迟时间来创建美丽的时间拉伸效果,或者自动调节回声的节奏,而无需在设置之间绕过“即时延迟”。
The perfect complement to its endlessly elastic delay buffer is Instant Delay’s unique patchable modulation system – a signature of all Unfiltered plugins. It features several envelopes and modulators that link together with virtual patch cables to control virtually every parameter on the user interface. Choose from four different kinds of time- or tempo-based LFOs and apply them to nearly any parameter in the plugin, or even to other LFOs! Apply a fast square wave to the Mix knob to add a Leslie effect, and then apply a slow LFO to the first LFO to make the Leslie effect occur intermittently. And if you want to apply rhythmic patterns to the plugin’s parameters rather than linear cycles, Instant Delay sports a full-featured step sequencer – just like the kind you would find in a vintage synthesizer – which can be used instead of, or in conjunction with, the sine-based LFO’s. Once all the pieces are in place, you can sit back and let Instant Delay do its thing, or you can join in the fun by using Macro Controls to make real-time adjustments to several parameters at once, making Instant Delay perfectly suited for live performance.
Instant delay独特的可修补调制系统是其无限弹性延迟缓冲区的完美补充,它是所有未过滤插件的标志。它具有几个信封和调制器,它们与虚拟接插电缆连接在一起,以控制用户界面上的几乎所有参数。从四种不同类型的基于时间或节奏的LFO中进行选择,并将它们应用于插件中的几乎任何参数,甚至应用于其他LFO!将快速方波应用于混合旋钮以添加莱斯利效应,然后将慢速LFO应用于第一个LFO以使莱斯利效应间歇发生。如果你想将节奏模式应用于插件的参数,而不是线性周期,Instant Delay运动的是一个功能齐全的步序器——就像你在老式合成器中找到的那种——它可以代替或与基于正弦的LFO一起使用。一旦所有部件就位,您可以坐下来让“即时延迟”发挥作用,也可以使用“宏控制”一次对多个参数进行实时调整,从而让“即时延时”非常适合现场表演。
In a first for delay plugins, Instant Delay’s modulation system also includes seamless integration with ROLI’s latest controller, the Lightpad Block. Use four different modes to control different aspects of Instant Delay via simple patching from the ROLI modulator into parameters, or other modulators. Whether using virtual sliders, pressure-sensitive pads, or toggle switches, Instant Delay’s integration with BLOCKS means it’s ready to throw down in any performance situation– in the studio or on the go.
在第一个延迟插件中,Instant delay的调制系统还包括与ROLI最新控制器Lightpad Block的无缝集成。通过从ROLI调制器到参数或其他调制器的简单修补,使用四种不同的模式来控制瞬时延迟的不同方面。无论是使用虚拟滑块、压敏垫还是拨动开关,Instant Delay与BLOCKS的集成都意味着无论是在演播室还是在旅途中,它都可以在任何表演情况下投入使用。
Instant Delay packs a powerhouse of echo and filtering effects in a compact interface, and provides a taste of the innovation and power behind Unfiltered Audio’s processors. Activate the 14-day fully functional trial with your Plugin Alliance account to try it out for yourself!
Instant Delay在紧凑的界面中提供了强大的回声和过滤效果,并提供了Unfiltered Audio处理器背后的创新和强大功能。使用您的Plugin Alliance帐户激活为期14天的全功能试用,亲自试用!
Fully-featured delay line with Linked, Independent, and Offset modes for total stereo control over buffer settings
Analog-style LP/HP/BP filter, with adjustable resonance, is applied to the feedback loop
Built-in soft clipper with Drive control can generate subtle saturation, overdriven aggression, and everything in between
Jitter control adds an organic nuance that results in subtle syncopations with slower delay times, and a natural “blurring” effect with faster ones
Unfiltered Audio’s flagship modulation system provides eight freely assignable and fully automatable modulators, including a Step Sequencer, and integration with ROLI BLOCKS 5D Lightpad control surface
Unfilterd Audio的旗舰调制系统提供八个可自由分配的全自动调制器,包括步进序列器,并与ROLI BLOCKS 5D Lightpad控制面板集成
A simple interface that offers a wide range of tones and applications, from simple vocal doubling to elaborate echo effects
Unfiltered Audio’s unique delay buffer algorithm lets users expand or contract the delay buffer in real time with
Unfilterd Audio独特的延迟缓冲算法使用户可以实时扩展或收缩延迟缓冲
