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Lounge Lizard by Applied Acoustic Systems是一款基于物理建模而非样本的出色电子钢琴插件!它不需要太多的CPU,声音也很棒。您可能可以从预设列表中准确找到您需要的内容,但如果没有。。很容易发出独特的EP声音。我读过很多关于什么是最好的罗兹VST的辩论。在我看来,Lounge Lizard听起来比原来的和许多示例库仿真更好,更容易使用。
Lounge Lizard by Applied Acoustic Systems is a wonderful electric piano plugin based on physical modeling, not samples! It doesn't use much CPU and the sound is splendid. You can probably find exactly what you need from the list of presets, but if not. .. it's easy to tweek and create unique EP sounds. I have read a lot of debates about what is the best Rhodes VST. IMO, Lounge Lizard sounds better and is easier to work with than the original and the many sample library emulations.
I used to be a sample guru, but after checking out this AAS plugin I can see the many advantages of a Physical Modeling electric piano — no loop points, no out-of-tune samples, no key-mapping, etc. It's also nice to free up space on the hard drive. But most of all — it sounds great and sits wonderfully in the mix. Lounge Lizard is dynamic and inspirational set of virtual EP keys!
我曾经是一名样本专家,但在检查了这个AAS插件后,我看到了物理建模电动钢琴的许多优点-没有循环点,没有失调样本,没有键映射,等等。释放硬盘空间也很好。但最重要的是,它听起来很棒,在混音中表现得非常出色。Lounge Lizard是一组动态且鼓舞人心的虚拟EP键!
Authentic Tone, Action and Feel.
The Lounge Lizard EP-4 plug-in delivers authentic vintage electric piano sounds in an everything-you-need package.
Lounge Lizard EP-4插件将正宗复古电动钢琴声音融入您所需的一切套餐中。
In the Studio
When time matters, simply pick from more than 100 custom electric piano presets. But when sound exploration is on the program, players will dig the real-time controls over hammer hardness, tine colour and decay, damper noise, and pickup placement for an unsurpassed level of customization.
Live on Stage
Gigging musicians will appreciate Lounge Lizard's small memory footprint, instant preset recalls, and stability. Furthermore, the huge library of classic electric piano sounds as well as the complete selection of effects makes it easy to build a set list and get the perfect tone for each song.
乐师们会欣赏Lounge Lizard的小内存占用、即时预设回忆和稳定性。此外,巨大的经典电子钢琴音效库以及完整的音效选择,使您可以轻松建立一个集合列表,并为每首歌曲获得完美的音调。
Alive Beneath Your Fingers
There is something quite immersive when a connection develops between the player and the instrument. Whether it's the perfectly smooth velocity progression or the interactive reaction to your performance, Lounge Lizard makes that connection happen.
当演奏者和乐器之间建立连接时,会有一种非常沉浸式的感觉。无论是完美流畅的速度进程,还是对你表现的互动反应,Lounge Lizard都能实现这种联系。
Beyond the Electric Piano
Lounge Lizard achieves convincing electric piano tones with less than twenty synth parameters. That's a quite a feat by itself, but pushed further, these parameters reveal a realm of other tones. Organs, bells, chimes, leads are all featured in the preset library's Experimental folder.
Lounge Lizard使用少于20个synth参数实现了令人信服的电子钢琴音调。这本身是一个相当了不起的壮举,但进一步说,这些参数揭示了其他音调的领域。风琴、铃铛、钟声和引线都在预设库的实验文件夹中。
Custom Tones
Even though famous players shared the same brand and models, they were all achieving their own signature sound. Nevertheless, that usually meant spending many hours under the hood with screwdrivers, wrenches, or even a solder iron. What's fun with Lounge Lizard is that whether you're looking to emulate a particular sound or simply find your own, all those tweaks are just a few knob turns away!
尽管著名的演奏者拥有相同的品牌和型号,但他们都获得了自己的标志性声音。然而,这通常意味着要花很多时间在引擎盖下使用螺丝刀、扳手,甚至是烙铁。Lounge Lizard的有趣之处在于,无论您是想模仿特定的声音,还是只想找到自己的声音,所有这些调整都只需转动几下旋钮即可实现!
NEW Factory Library - The completely renewed factory library features the classic electric piano sounds as well as over 200 gig- and mix-ready custom electric pianos making good use of the compressor, equalizer, and multi-effect processor.
新的工厂库-完全更新的工厂库具有经典的电子钢琴声音以及超过200 gig的混音定制电子钢琴,充分利用了压缩机、均衡器和多效处理器。
NEW Compressor and Equalizer - These new additions are perfect to add punch and definition to your sound, letting you cut through any dense mix or stage.
NEW Character Control - The new Character control provides five classic studio and stage signal path emulations – that's the cabinet, pre-amp, microphone, and recorder chain that follows the piano's output – to easily snug fit your electric piano part into your track.
NEW Limiter - The new output limiter protects your ears and monitors during experimentation with the piano's physical modelling parameters while providing a maximum of distortion-free dynamics.
NEW Streamlined Interface - Redesigned from the ground up, the new interface now divides Lounge Lizard EP-4 into three panels: Play presents shortcuts to the main piano and effect parameters including bypass switches for quick edits; Edit lets you get under the hood and voice the piano to taste; while FX supplies equalizer, compressor, multi-effect, and reverb processors for final shaping duties.
新的流线型界面-全新设计,新界面现在将Lounge Lizard EP-4分为三个面板:Play提供主钢琴和效果参数的快捷方式,包括用于快速编辑的旁路开关;编辑让你在引擎盖下为钢琴配音,让你品尝;而FX为最终整形任务提供均衡器、压缩器、多效和混响处理器。
NEW Bank and Program Manager - Lounge Lizard EP-4's new manager allows for simple and efficient organization, backup, and sharing of your sounds.
新的银行和项目经理-Lounge Lizard EP-4的新经理允许简单高效地组织、备份和共享您的声音。
UPDATED Overhauled Effects - Reinvigorated, polished, and tuned especially for the electric piano, Lounge Lizard EP-4's multi-effect processor features our best sounding chorus, delay, phaser, flanger, distortion, notch filter, wah-wah, auto-wah, and reverb to date!
更新的大修效果-重新焕发活力,抛光和调整,特别是电动钢琴,Lounge Lizard EP-4的多效果处理器具有我们迄今为止最好的声音合唱、延迟、移相器、翻边、失真、陷波滤波器、哇哇、自动哇和混响!
NEW Native 64--bit Audio Unit (AU) and VST Plug-ins - Lounge Lizard EP-4 now runs in native 64-bit on Mac OS X and Windows making it compatible with the latest sequencers.
新的原生64位音频单元(AU)和VST插件-Lounge Lizard EP-4现在在Mac OS X和Windows上运行原生64位,使其与最新的定序器兼容。
Entirely based on physical modelling for outstanding sound quality
Top quality preset library
Real-time calculation of sound - no samples
32-bit floating point internal processing
Sample rates up to 192 kHz
采样率高达192 kHz
Easy sharing of presets
Unlimited undo/redo capability
Standard plug-in formats support
MIDI program change support
High quality integrated master effects: chorus, delay, and reverb
Host tempo synchronizat
