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While you may have a bunch of audio effects, but shaping them with automation events in your DAW can quickly kill your creative flow. RE4ORM FX VST crack keeps it simple and fun by letting you draw your remixing effects. Risers, Pitchers, Filter Drops and so much more. Welcome to an easy, precise, powerful remixing tool with amazing sonic results.
虽然你可能有一堆音频效果,但是在你的DAW中用自动化事件来塑造它们会很快扼杀你的创作流程。RE4ORM FX VST crack通过让您绘制混音效果,使其简单有趣。立管、水罐、过滤滴等等。欢迎使用一款简单、精确、功能强大的混音工具,其音效令人惊叹。
20 chainable performance effects
RE4ORM FX VST crack eight Free4orm LFOs let you select, draw and warp the audio shape of up to 20 different filters, distortions, pitchers and panners. Use them one at a time or chain them together for something completely new. Over 60 factory presets get you started with Risers, Crushers, Pitchers, Spaces, Rhythm and so much more.
RE4ORM FX VST破解八个Free4orm LFO,让您选择、绘制和扭曲多达20种不同的过滤器、失真、投手和平移器的音频形状。一次使用一个,或者将它们链接在一起以获得全新的东西。超过60个出厂预设让您开始使用踢板、压碎机、投手、空格、节奏等等。
play it live
In our opinion, no plugin is worth its name if you can’t play it live. Every cracked RE4ORM FX parameter can be assigned to your MIDI controller and played live, including individual effects mutes and independent range controls.
在我们看来,没有插件是值得它的名字,如果你不能发挥它的生活。每个破解的RE4ORM FX参数都可以分配给MIDI控制器并现场播放,包括单独的效果静音和独立的范围控制。
re4orm fx vst crack specifications
re4orm fx vst裂纹规范
Mac version includes VST, AU, AAX (64 bit only)
Audio Effect Plugin with drawable modulation of over 20 effects
Perfect for remixing songs or manipulating individual audio tracks
Free4orm LFO syncs to your DAW tempo and time signature
Free4orm LFO与您的DAW节奏和时间签名同步
Windows version includes VST and AAX (64 bit only)
Over 60 Factory Presets in 9 Categories (Risers, Crushers, Rhythm, Glitch, Moody, Pitchers, Filters, Spaces, Bleeps)
8 Free4orm LFOs let you control each effect independently
8个Free4orm LFO允许您独立控制每个效果
Individual modulation range control for all effect parameters