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这是我最新创作的EQ,它的灵感来自于几十年来在顶级工作室流行的tube EQ。这个坏小子有很多很酷的特性,比如4x过采样、中间/侧面处理和细致的管超速驱动电路仿真。
Here's my latest creation, an EQ inspired by popular tube EQ's that have been in top studios for decades. This bad boy is full of cool features, like 4x oversampling, mid/side processing, and meticulous tube-overdrive circuit emulation.
Here's a list of features:
- Low Boost - Low shelf filter of original design controlled by the "freq" dial near it from 22 Hz to 300 Hz by 0 dB to +10 dB.
-低升压-原始设计的低托架滤波器,由其附近的“频率”刻度盘控制,从22 Hz到300 Hz,0 dB到+10 dB。
- Low Atten - Low cut filter just above the Low Boost filter. It helps define and fatten the low-end, by 0 dB to -10 dB.
-低ATEN-低截止滤波器,位于低升压滤波器的正上方。它有助于定义和充实低端,从0 dB到-10 dB。
- High Boost - High shelf filter of original design controlled by the "freq" dial near it from 1000 Hz to 16000 Hz by 0 dB to +10 dB.
-高升压-原始设计的高托架滤波器,由其附近的“频率”刻度盘控制,从1000 Hz到16000 Hz,0 dB到+10 dB。
- High Atten - High cut filter just above the High Boost filter. It helps define and round off the high-end, by 0 dB to -10 dB.
-High ATEN-High cut滤波器位于High Boost滤波器的正上方。它有助于定义高端并将其四舍五入,从0 dB到-10 dB。
- Bandwidth - Controls the "Q" factor, or bandwidth of the low and high filters, 0 being the most narrow and +10 being the widest.
- LP - Low-pass filter from 20000 Hz to 3000 Hz.
-LP-20000 Hz至3000 Hz的低通滤波器。
- Drive - Controls the drive parameter for a meticulously modeled tube circuit with parallel processing to subtly dial in tube saturation. When the drive slider is at 0 dB, the processing turns off to save CPU usage when the effect is not desired.
-驱动-通过并行处理控制精心建模的管电路的驱动参数,以精细地拨入管饱和。当驱动器滑块为0 dB时,当效果不理想时,将关闭处理以节省CPU使用量。
- Trim - Output volume control.
- EQ In/Out - Toggles the EQ processing on or off without resetting the current state of the filter's boost and atten settings.
- OS - Toggles 4x oversampling on or off. Toggling oversampling on will set the LP filter to 19000 Hz if it is currently set to 20000 Hz. This takes care of some sampling rate math and lets you hear the high end difference. It would be best to leave the LP filter lower than 19000 while oversampling is on.
-OS-打开或关闭4x过采样。如果当前设置为20000 Hz,则切换过采样将LP滤波器设置为19000 Hz。这将处理一些采样率数学问题,并让您听到高端差异。过采样打开时,最好使LP滤波器低于19000。
- Stereo Mode - This allows you to choose between mid/side/left/right/stereo processing. Use this to remove low end from the sides or add brightness to the sides, whatever cool mid/side/left/right/stereo processing you like to do! This effect will of course perform the best on a stereo source.
- Setting a filter to 0 dB will turn off processing to save CPU for unused filters.
-将过滤器设置为0 dB将关闭处理,以便为未使用的过滤器节省CPU。
- The plugin will save it's window size when you hit save in your DAW and it will recall the size on the next startup.

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Ur7g7-b3Niz2M6iIF_RQaw 提取码: cb2k