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Introducing Comet VST crack – a reverb of unparalleled lushness and versatility. Envelop yourself in breathtaking textures of sheer beauty while creating living, breathing space in real time with cracked Comet’s unique preset morphing capabilities. Experience trails of beauty that are pristine, dramatic, and one-of-a-kind.
介绍Comet VST crack–无与伦比的繁茂和多功能混响。通过cracked Comet独特的预设变形功能,让自己沉浸在令人惊叹的纯粹美丽的纹理中,同时实时创造出活生生的呼吸空间。体验原始的、戏剧性的、独一无二的美的轨迹。
comet vst crack features
comet vst裂纹特征
An unbelievably smooth and beautiful reverb
Five interchangeable preset morphing slots
Glide control to morph between parameters
Pre Delay & Glide available in milliseconds and rhythmic subdivisions
Lockable parameters for consistency between presets
Uniquely rich and musical detune algorithm
Saturation module from input gain for extra density
MIDI and CV control for every parameter
trails of beauty
Comet VST crack is designed to create beautiful trails of sound. It does not aspire to model the physics of a room. Instead, it captures the essence of a beautiful reverb. Once you hear it, you’ll fall in love.
Comet VST crack旨在创造优美的声音轨迹。它不希望对房间的物理进行建模。相反,它抓住了美丽混响的本质。一旦你听到它,你就会坠入爱河。
Enhance your vocals, melodic instruments and drums alike, and
add a special quality to your musical textures and sound effects.
revolutionary preset morphing
Comet VST crack has 5 preset slots created to take advantage of its advanced morphing capabilities.
Comet VST crack创建了5个预设槽,以利用其高级变形功能。
Using variable gliding controls, you can smoothly transition or “morph”
between up to 5 different settings/presets.
see comet vst crack in action:
参见comet vst裂纹的作用:
reverb: reimagined
While researching and developing various new prototypes, the Comet VST crack was stumbled upon by the Polyverse development team. After an initial comparison with other popular and classic reverbs, it was decided that cracked Comet’s algorithm was so unique and beautiful that we needed to share it with the world. Not only that, its versatile sound in all iterations inspired a degree of flexibility unheard of in other reverbs.
在研究和开发各种新原型时,Polyverse开发团队偶然发现了Comet VST裂纹。在与其他流行和经典混响进行初步比较后,我们决定cracked Comet的算法是如此独特和美丽,以至于我们需要与全世界分享它。不仅如此,其在所有迭代中的多功能声音激发了其他混响中闻所未闻的灵活性。
want to learn more?
Watch our in-depth video manual and see what Comet VST crack is truly capable of:
观看我们的深入视频手册,了解Comet VST crack真正能够做到什么: