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EchoMelt is a multi-FX processor designed to give the sound character, texture and warmth. EchoMelt can create the pulling “VHS” effect, circulating choruses, duplicated space delays, saturation distortions and similar effects.
EchoMelt is more than just a lo-fi effect that can be used in a variety of situations – it has a 5-band parametric equalizer that can be connected before or after other effects, or even used on its own. In fact, each section of effects can be used independently and each section has its own dry / wet mix in addition to the main Master Mix. Each section can save its own presets to quickly load certain settings at any time.
EchoMelt is based on the built-in effects of the Phonec synthesizer, but with big improvements and several new features that make EchoMelt a great multi-effect plugin to add plugins to your arsenal.
Five universal effects that turn your sounds into something strange and wonderful.
The Melt effect creates a drifting, addictive instability that will give your sound an instant character. Melt makes it easy to get the “VHS” effect, providing your sound with the ghostly quality of forgotten formats and mechanisms of the past. It is intended for a subtle effect, but can be taken to extremes for experimentation.
Swirling splendor – A 2-voice chorus will enliven your sounds, adding depth and dimension. Voice separation shifts the frequency of one of the voices, adding variations to the chorus effect. Although chorus can make your tones soft and lush, it can also create some interesting effects with a little modulation.
Cool Dub Delay – A dual delay block with pitch shifting that can do much more than traditional delays and can create otherworldly effects. Echoes can be used for a subtle atmosphere or an endless and evolving sound source. Use phase control to create really weird sounds.
Adjust the frequencies – The EchoMelt five-band parametric equalizer can be a very useful tool for creating the perfect sound, whether it’s vintage vibrations, lofi tones or just bass boost. You can also use the equalizer for filter sweep effects by assigning its MIDI controls to create frequency sweeps before or after the echo. EQ comes with custom presets.
Warm – EchoMelt saturation can be used to give a little warmth to your sound, or to extremes for serious distortion.
Melt: Analog-style drifting, instability and random fluctuations
Snag: Sporadic pitch jumps and dropouts
2-Voice Chorus with voice Separation and Melting
Echo: Pitch shifting dub delay unit
Fully Parametric 5-Band EQ
Saturation driver can be applied to overall signal
EQ and Melt are both routable
Mix controls for each effect as well as Master Mix
Sub Presets for each FX section
Randomization controls for each effect section
MIDI Learn and automation of most parameters
Double-Click Parameter Reset
Intuitive patch management system
128 presets to get you started
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Bt552Va4h6ofawmKRe7IEw