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A set of plugins from ApulSoft.
apulSoft apQualizr 2 v2.3.1 is a multi-band equalizer with a built-in frequency analyzer and modular effects system elements. It includes graphical editing of top-notch filters and modular modulation of various filter parameters. It can be used for general EQ and can also create a variety of dynamic and modulation effects thanks to the dynamics and LFO modules.
apulSoft apQualizr 2 v2.3.1是一款多频段均衡器,内置频率分析仪和模块化效果系统元件。它包括顶级陷波滤波器的图形编辑和各种滤波器参数的模块化调制。它可以用于一般均衡,也可以创建各种动态和调制效果感谢动态和线性调频模块。
apulSoft apShaper v1.1.1 – plug-in audio insert effects for adding harmonic content to audio signals. It combines a wave shaper with three filter bands and various modulation options – two lfos, dynamics detector and user-configurable knobs.
apulSoft apShaper v1.1.1–为音频信号添加谐波内容的插件音频插入效果。它结合了具有三个滤波带和各种调制选项的波形整形器–两个LFO、动态检测器和用户可配置旋钮。
apShaper comes with five shaping mechanisms ranging from adding harmonic distortion to freely configurable polygon folding.
The three filter bands are taken directly from apulSoft apQualizr2 and offer the same excellent quality without frequency compression at high frequencies. The included variable slope low-pass filter type allows for smooth slopes that are not possible with traditional filtering – ideal for soft shaping with a lot of distortion.
这三个滤波器带直接取自apulSoft apQualizr2,在高频下无需频率压缩即可提供同样出色的质量。所包含的可变斜率低通滤波器类型允许平滑斜率,这是传统滤波无法实现的–非常适合具有大量失真的软成形。
apulSoft apTrigga 3 v3.6.1 – Drum trigger. Designed specifically for transforming audio into drums and percussion
apulSoft apTrigga 3 v3.6.1–鼓触发器。专为将声音转换成鼓和打击乐器而设计
ApulSoft apTrigga3 is an audio plugin for playing audio samples based on trigger events generated from the input audio signal. It has advanced sample management and can record them from the incoming audio signal. Sample selection, level, pitch and output filter can be modulated by signal level.
ApulSoft apTrigga3是一个音频插件,用于根据输入音频信号生成的触发事件播放音频样本。它有先进的样品管理,可以记录他们从传入的音频信号。采样选择、电平、基音和输出滤波器可以通过信号电平进行调制。
ApTrigga3 has an input filter section with a built-in frequency analyzer and an unlimited number of adjustable filter bands for shaping the input signal.
apulSoft apUnmask v1.0.1- Sound plug-in for amplifying sound components that are psychoacoustically masked by other components. For this apUnmask uses parts of the high quality audio codec compression detector algorithm. The signal components that can be removed by compression are extracted. They usually cannot be heard as they are masked by louder components in time and frequency. apUnmask allows you to amplify and simulate masked content and add it to music.
apulSoft apUnmask v1.0.1-用于放大被其他组件心理声学屏蔽的声音组件的声音插件。为此,apUnmask使用了部分高质量的音频编解码器压缩检测器算法。提取可通过压缩去除的信号分量。它们通常听不到,因为它们被时间和频率上更响亮的成分所掩盖。apUnmask允许您放大和模拟屏蔽内容,并将其添加到音乐中。
The result is hyper-realistic sound. This process helps the listener to hear more aspects of the music at the same time. apUnmask can be used as a mastering effect or as an intelligent exciter for individual instruments.
Now with apUnmask you can extract and amplify signals and help the listener’s ears to hear more.