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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Synapse Audio offers a wide variety of high quality rack expansion plugins tailored for Reason. Obsession is a powerful vintage synth emulation. At its core, it uses a classic synthesizer design consisting of two oscillators, a switchable two / four-pole low-pass filter, two ADSR envelopes and two LFOs, which are carefully modeled from iron hardware.
Synapse Audio提供了各种各样的高质量机架扩展插件,这些插件都是为您量身定做的。痴迷是一个强大的老式合成器仿真。其核心采用经典的合成器设计,由两个振荡器、一个可切换的二极/四极低通滤波器、两个ADSR封套和两个LFO组成,这些都是由铁硬件精心设计的。
A comprehensive modulation matrix, two Step controls for powerful rhythm sequences, and a high-quality effect chain greatly enhance the instrument’s versatility. Two parts with Single / Dual / Split modes offer a lot of extra space for experienced sound engineers.
Individual voice control is perhaps the most important feature of the Obsession: each voice card can be noticeably different from the others in many ways, producing the organic, lively sound that vintage analog polysynths are renowned for.
The Obsession rear panel gives you access to the high-quality effects section, modulation matrix, as well as CV connectors and audio I / O. High quality reverb with added Shimmer effect takes pads, leads and ambience to a new dimension. The stereo delay as well as the chorus / ensemble effect can be applied to further enhance.