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[合成器] Sound Yeti – DV8 – Modern Modular Hybrid Synth (KONTAKT)模块化合成器



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发表于 2022-6-21 12:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
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There’s a lot to be said for mastering amazing sounds and complex modular programming synthesizers. In fact, to become a true craftsman, you must hone your craft and devote many hours (and money) to building and mastering your equipment. All in order to be able to instantly break through this golden mean. Don’t miss it all, that’s where the DV8 shines. The DV8 delivers the sound, power, and creativity of modularity (and more) without the extra budget and time-consuming programming.
> Modular concept hybrid synth built on Native Instruments Kontakt 6
>基于本地仪器Kontakt 6的模块化概念混合合成器
> MAWC system – Macro-automatic waveform control

> 215 Sound Yeti-created presets/snapshots


> Custom DV8tion modules for each preset


> 100 wave source sounds – easy-to-use browser with categories


> 20 draggable custom sound slots


> Automated Structured Discovery (ASD) – sound design randomization


> Voltage – automation of control of 10 sound-producing parameters simultaneously


> Flow – automation of macros to change ADSR shape


> Wavetabe position and shape editing with LFO and ENV modulation


> 13 shape type options for deviant waveforming


> Dual arpeggiators with independent patterns, steps, speed, gate


> 39 fully editable preset arp patterns plus one randomized


> Custom reverb with 20 environments plus room/hall for each


> 58 delay effect presets , 5 types of delay


> Sound Yeti Preset Recall system for delay and reverb effects


> Advanced Devi8tion preset design – only available with full version of Kontakt


> Nothing else to buy – NI Kontakt 6 Free Player license > Eligible

>无需购买其他物品–NI Kontakt 6免费玩家许可证>合格

for Native Instruments cross discounts.


> 1 NKI master template


> 215 Sound Yeti designed snapshots/presets


> 181.4MB uncompressed .wav files


> 100 dynamic synth and organic wave sample sources


> Custom reverb with 20 environments plus room/hall for each


> 58 delay effect presets , 5 delay types


> Unlimited custom shots


> 1 Advanced Sound Design template (only for use with the full version of Kontakt)


Instructions for installing snapshots.


Copy the DV8 folder from the snapshots folder and paste into C:\Users(your name)\Documents\Native Instruments\User Content\Kontakt

从snapshots文件夹复制DV8文件夹并粘贴到C:\Users(your name)\Documents\Native Instruments\User Content\Kontakt

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lZqU_gTbj6PzLgXfLE6i2w



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