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[弦乐] Crocus Soundware – LIMINAL Bundle (KONTAKT)小提琴、中提琴和大提琴采样库



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发表于 2022-6-10 23:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
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BUNDLE: LIMINAL Reeds + Winds + Chamber Strings


Requires Native Instruments Kontakt FULL v6.6.1 and higher!

需要本机Instruments Kontakt FULL v6.6.1及更高版本!

Additional Information


Crocus Soundware is pleased to present LIMINAL: CHAMBER STRING TEXTURES VOLUME 1, a library of intimately recorded Violin, Viola and Cello samples – playable using the full version of Kontakt 6.6.1+. The library’s articulations are aleatoric, long and evolving, with the performer imparting character and movement into each sample. Recorded closely and dry, the sounds are great for adding unpredictable nuance, detail and creative imperfection. This library is not intended for fast passages or soaring melodies. It is especially suited as a collection of naturalistic pads, perfect for underscoring or ethereal soundscapes.

Crocus Soundware很高兴为您呈现《LIMINAL:室内弦纹理》第1卷,这是一个有着密切记录的小提琴、中提琴和大提琴样本的库,可使用Kontakt 6.6.1+的完整版本播放。图书馆的发音是任意的、漫长的和不断发展的,表演者将角色和动作传授给每个样本。录音紧密且干燥,声音非常适合添加不可预测的细微差别、细节和创造性缺陷。该库不适用于快速段落或高亢旋律。它特别适合作为一个自然主义垫的集合,非常适合强调或空灵的音景。

The user-interface allows articulations to be layered, mixed and reversed. LFO controls can be enabled, allowing your DAW’s tempo to dictate the modulation of an individual layer’s volume. This opens the door for tempo-synced swells and unleashes even more creative possibilities for evolving texture.




-> Made for the full version of Kontakt 6.6.1 or higher (Not intended for Kontakt Player)

->为Kontakt 6.6.1或更高版本的完整版本制作(不适用于Kontakt播放器)

-> VST3, VST2, AU and AAX compatible host


-> 3.29 GB samples Uncompressed

->3.29 GB未压缩样本

-> Includes sample sets of both ensemble and solo performances.


-> 9 Core Articulations


-> 6 Creatively Processed Articulations


-> Dozens of Presets


LIMINAL: Winds is a library of closely recorded hand-crafted flutes – from a minuscule fife to a gargantuan Contra-Bass constructed out of 12 feet of industrial tubing. LIMINAL: Winds is playable using the full version of Kontakt 6.6.1. The library’s articulations are expressive and evolving, with the performer imparting character and movement into each sample. The flutes were miked in proximity to the embouchure hole, providing characteristic breath and intimacy into each sample. The library is well-suited to add unpredictability and creative imperfection. The LIMINAL range is not intended for fast passages or soaring melodies. Instead, you may see the libraries as collections of naturalistic pads – offering orchestral details not found in something derived from a synthetic source. They are wonderful for underscoring or ethereal soundscapes.

LIMINAL:Winds是一个由手工制作的笛子组成的图书馆,从一个很小的笛子到一个巨大的低音提琴,都是用12英尺长的工业管道制成的。极限:可以使用Kontakt 6.6.1的完整版本播放Winds。图书馆的发音是表达性的和进化性的,表演者将角色和动作赋予每个样本。这些笛子在靠近embouchure孔的地方进行了拾音,为每个样本提供了特征性的呼吸和亲密感。该库非常适合添加不可预测性和创造性缺陷。极限范围不适用于快速的乐段或高亢的旋律。相反,你可能会将这些图书馆视为自然主义音乐垫的集合,提供了从合成来源中找不到的管弦细节。它们非常适合于突出或空灵的音景。

The user-interface allows articulations to be layered, mixed and reversed. LFO controls can be enabled, allowing your DAW’s tempo to dictate the modulation of an individual layer’s volume. This opens the door for tempo-synced swells and unleashes even more creative possibilities for evolving texture.




-> Made for the full version of Kontakt 6.6.1 or higher (Not intended for Kontakt Player)

->为Kontakt 6.6.1或更高版本的完整版本制作(不适用于Kontakt播放器)

-> VST3, VST2, AU and AAX compatible host


-> 1.8 GB of samples Uncompressed (1.5GB download size)

->1.8 GB未压缩样本(1.5GB下载大小)

-> 9 Core Articulations


-> 3 Creatively Processed Articulations


-> Dozens of Presets


LIMINAL: Reeds is a library of intimately recorded Clarinet, Oboe, English Horn and Bassoon samples, playable using the latest full version of Kontakt 6. The library’s articulations are expressive and evolving, with the performer imparting character and movement into each sample. The instruments are recorded closely and dry, emphasizing the nuanced sonic characteristics of each instrument and its performer – the claps of the keys, reed squeaks and breaths of the performer are captured in the recordings. The library is well-suited to add unpredictability and creative imperfection into your score. The LIMINAL range is not intended for fast passages or soaring melodies. Instead, you may see the libraries as collections of naturalistic pads – offering orchestral details not found in something derived from a synthetic source. They are wonderful for underscoring, soundscapes and so much more.

LIMINAL:Reeds是一个有着密切记录的单簧管、双簧管、英国号和巴松管样本的库,可以使用最新的完整版Kontakt 6演奏。图书馆的发音是表达性的和进化性的,表演者将角色和动作赋予每个样本。这些乐器被紧密地、干爽地记录下来,强调了每一种乐器及其演奏者细微的声音特征——在录音中捕捉到了演奏者的拍子声、芦苇声和呼吸声。该库非常适合在你的分数中添加不可预测性和创造性缺陷。极限范围不适用于快速的乐段或高亢的旋律。相反,你可能会将这些图书馆视为自然主义音乐垫的集合,提供了从合成来源中找不到的管弦细节。它们在强调、音景等方面都很棒。

The user-interface allows articulations to be layered, mixed and reversed. LFO controls can be enabled, allowing your DAW’s tempo to dictate the modulation of an individual layer’s volume. This opens the door for tempo-synced swells and unleashes even more creative possibilities for evolving texture.




-> Made for the latest full version of Kontakt 6 (Not intended for Kontakt Player)

->为Kontakt 6的最新完整版本制作(不适用于Kontakt播放器)

-> VST3, VST2, AU and AAX compatible host


-> 2.24 GB of samples (2.1 GB download size)

->2.24 GB样本(2.1 GB下载大小)

-> 6 Core Articulations


-> Dozens of Presets






发表于 2013-7-18 01:52:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国上海


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