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[鼓包/鼓合成器] 踢鼓合成器Angular Momentum KickLab XXL VSTi v1.0.2



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发表于 2021-5-17 13:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
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kicklab XXL产品是专为生产商了解一个好的重要性,在其跟踪实体踢鼓。


直到现在,这通常是许多不同的外部技术的组合和过程结合在一起,在采样器,外部效果插件,合成器和混频器。进入kicklab XXL。

KickLab XXL is designed for producers who understand the importance of a good, solid Kick drum in their track.

Often producers spend a large proportion of their time selecting, trimming, changing and balancing the Kick drum in their productions. It is the foundation and building block upon which all the other elements are set upon - a bad sounding Kick can ruin a track. For this reason many producers lean towards selecting a Kick drum sample over a "synthesized" Kick because Kick drum samples often sound better. But the problem the producer is then faced with is a lack of control over tweaks and modifications to the sound of the Kick in a static sample. So layering techniques have developed over the years where a sampled Kick is mixed with other Kick drums from different sources, Eq'd and pitch changed and mixed and tweaked to create the desired result.

Until now this has usually been a combination of many different external techniques and processes all coming together, in samplers, external Fx plugins, synths and mixers. Enter KickLab XXL.

Virtual Section:

- Sub Oscillator Sine and Triangle.
- Pitch Adjust.
- Pitch shaper.
- AD Envelope Generator.
- Puncher.
- Click Generator.
- Distortion.
- SV Filter with LP/HP/BP/Notch/Peak filter modes and Velocity Tracking.

Sampler Section:

- Double Precision Stereo Sampler.
- Trim section.
- Loop/Forward/Reverse/Key Follow.
- 4 Octave Pitch Adjust.
- Stereo/Mono Switch.
- ADS Envelope Generator.
- Easy scrolling thru samples with previous/next buttons.

Mixer Section:

- 3 band EQ.
- Saturator.
- Phase invert (Virtual and Sampler Sections).
- Mutes (Virtual and Sampler sections).
- Level Metering (Left/Right/Virtual/Sampler Output).
- Channel Delay (Virtual and Sampler Section).
- Preview Function (disables itself when host is playing).
- Multi Channel Output Stereo Main/Virtual+Sampler/All.
- Main Volume Control.




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