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工厂VST3预设,适用于Silk版HSO、Hypnotic Dance 和 Triebwerk VSTis
(Instruments should be licensed already with eLicenser, in addition to having Silk system on the PC system well a.k.a. Activation Manager)
(除了在PC系统上安装Silk system well a.k.a.Activation Manager之外,仪器还应已获得eLicenser的许可)
The problem? When trying to use any of the above mentioned break-off VSTis, presets are missing under the new Silk system and they are only available and working in HALion, Sonic or SE. This installer fixes this issue, so now you can make full use of the actual VSTis themselves without HALion, Sonic or SE. You can now use these again fully:
1) C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Steinberg\Symphonic Orchestra\Symphonic Orchestra.vst3
2) C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Steinberg\Hypnotic Dance\Hypnotic Dance.vst3
3) C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Steinberg\Triebwerk\Triebwerk.vst3
Even R2R suggested previously to simply just use HALion instead, because of this issue that this installer fixes.
Run the installer, and install to the default location as only uninstall files are placed there. When done, double click one of these files, to register them (it find the others when doing one) in the Steinberg Library Manager. Register them as "In Place."
运行安装程序,并安装到默认位置,因为此处仅放置卸载文件。完成后,双击其中一个文件,在Steinberg Library Manager中注册它们(执行一个文件时会找到其他文件)。将其注册为“就位”
They will not show in the manager, however, even after successfully adding them. This is by the release design, so as not to interfere with "official" means:
C:\ProgramData\Steinberg\Content\VST Sound\ADD_SMT_102b_Hypnotic_Dance_Presets.vstsound
C:\ProgramData\Steinberg\Content\VST Sound\ADD_SMT_110b_Triebwerk_Presets.vstsound
C:\ProgramData\Steinberg\Content\VST Sound\FCP_SMT_027b_HSO_Presets_01.vstsound
If the presets do not show up immediately in the VSTi or Mediabay, rescan. In Mediabay, you can uncheck the box for the VSTi, tell it to "keep" it in library, then just add the check back. They will show up!
Rock on and enjoy! -TeamCubeadooby
P.S. Included is a folder of expression maps for HALion Synphonic Orchestra!
P、 其中包括哈利昂交响乐团的表达地图文件夹!
P.S.S. If you are having trouble adding to Steinberg Library Manager, just unregister the instrument (not delete) entirely in there. Then, re-add by double-clicking on the .vstsound file.
P、 S.S.如果您在添加Steinberg Library Manager时遇到问题,只需在其中完全注销该工具(而不是删除)。然后,双击重新添加。vstsound文件。
Any questions or help, not a thing!

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1HGifrm74rcTwKgPMRH2y-g 提取码: tk89