![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Adam Monroe’s Upright Bass is a virtual instrument and bass sample library (24-bit, 44.1) that can work right in your DAW.
Adam Monroe的直立低音是一个虚拟乐器和低音样本库(24位,44.1),可以在DAW中正常工作。
The purpose of this library was to find a balance between realistic low-frequency sound and a useful plug-in, so the articulations are “pre-recorded” rather than designed / programmed. Although a software simulator allows you to better control the game, nothing sounds better than live articulation.
When sampling this bass, we used the Shure SM81 stereo microphone pair in the near position, as well as the Neumann Tlm 102. During the mixing, it was decided that the SM81 together with the D112 could give the best overall tone.
在对低音进行采样时,我们在近位置使用了舒尔SM81立体声话筒对,以及Neumann Tlm 102。在混音过程中,我们认为SM81和D112可以提供最佳的整体音色。
Versions of VST, AU, and AAX include high-performance algorithms that have been improved with every new virtual instrument released by Adam Monroe Music. For example, the buffering algorithm is double buffering and multithreading, which means high buffering performance even on slower computers and even with less latency. The voices are stored and repeated in the C-Style array. Memory usage in the VST version is lower than in the (outdated) Kontakt version (70-130 MB). Versions of VST, AU and AAX now also include built-in support for 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96 kHz sample rates.
VST、AU和AAX的版本包括高性能算法,这些算法随着亚当·门罗音乐公司发布的每一款新虚拟乐器而不断改进。例如,缓冲算法是双缓冲和多线程的,这意味着即使在速度较慢的计算机上,甚至在延迟较小的情况下,缓冲性能也很高。声音存储并在C样式数组中重复。VST版本的内存使用率低于(过时的)Kontakt版本(70-130 MB)。VST、AU和AAX版本现在还内置了对44.1、48、88.2和96 kHz采样率的支持。
24-Bit Audio Samples (With Separate Slap Samples)
Round-Robin, 10 Velocity Layers
Reverb, Slides, and Slap Patches
Supports 44.1, 48, 88.2, and 96 kHz
支持44.1、48、88.2和96 kHz