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[合成器] 经典复古采样合成器UVI – Emulation II Plus v1.0.1 (UVI Falcon)



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发表于 2021-12-6 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
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Not 1 , and 3 iconic 80s sampler synths plus a massive lo-fi drum machine, original officially licensed sounds plus tons of new ones, all recorded on vintage equipment, available as standalone instruments or multi-stacked sounds and inspiring 4 + 1 phrases , we are thrilled to present you our most ambitious library: Emulation II +!

不是1个,而是3个标志性的80年代采样器合成器加上一个巨大的lo-fi鼓机,原始的官方许可声音加上大量的新声音,都记录在老式设备上,可以作为独立乐器或多层次声音和鼓舞人心的4+1短语,我们很高兴向您展示我们最雄心勃勃的库:Emulation II+!

Explore the authentic sounds of the Emulator, Emulator II, and Emulator III equipment, then immerse yourself in Drumulation +, an old-school drum machine filled with thousands of drum samples from Drumulator, SP12 and EI, II and III, with a creative sequencer. , Drag and drop MIDI and more.

探索Emulator、Emulator II和Emulator III设备的真实声音,然后沉浸在Drumulation+中,这是一台老式鼓式机器,里面装满了来自Drumulator、SP12和EI、II和III的数千个鼓点样本,还有一个创造性的音序器,拖放MIDI等。

Whether you’re a fan of 80s music or just love the lo-fi flavor of vintage samplers, Emulation II + is a powerful, dynamic and widely played instrument that inspires musicians, composers, producers and sound engineers of all skill levels.

无论您是80年代音乐迷还是喜欢复古采样器的低保真风格,Emulation II+都是一款功能强大、动感十足、演奏广泛的乐器,能够激发音乐家、作曲家、制作人和各种技能水平的音响工程师的灵感。

Used in countless 80s hits and movies, the Emulation II sounds are rich and spontaneous. With over 300 layers recorded directly from a fully rebuilt Emulator II, and again on the rare Oberheim DPX-1 (switch cars by pressing the DPX switch in the user interface), you will receive a comprehensive collection of officially licensed presets from OMI’s exclusive “Universe of Sounds, Vol. 1 and 2. Emulation II gives you unprecedented access to the authentic lo-fi sounds of this iconic hit maker.

在无数80年代的热门歌曲和电影中使用,Emulation II声音丰富而自然。通过完全重建的Emulator II和罕见的Oberheim DPX-1(通过在用户界面中按下DPX开关切换车辆),直接录制了300多个层,您将从OMI的独家产品中获得官方许可的全面预设“声音的宇宙,第1卷和第2卷。仿真II让您前所未有地接触到这个标志性的热门制造商的真实低保真声音。

Emulator was the first “affordable” 8-bit sampler, released in 1981. Emulation I is a modern, creative exploration of this vintage classic, delivering both old and brand new sounds. With a warm collection of samples loaded onto diskette and recorded from hardware, you get hundreds of lo-fi sounds, from orchestral to electronic, classical to modern. Emulation I is a versatile tool with a lot of features and surprises.

Emulator是第一款“价格合理的”8位采样器,1981年发布。Emulation I是对这一经典古董的现代、创造性探索,提供新旧声音。通过将大量样本加载到软盘上并从硬件上录制,您可以获得数百种低保真声音,从管弦乐队到电子乐器,从古典到现代。Emulation I是一个多功能工具,用于有很多特色和惊喜。

Emulator III has a more robust system with a more accurate engine and has a classic vintage sound with a twist. Thanks to the original licensed sounds from OMI, you get over 240 layers recorded directly from the equipment. Emulation III complements the acclaimed trinity of ’80s sample synths with a unique and complementary sound library, including a variety of bass, solos, bells, pads, orchestral music and more.

Emulator III有一个更坚固的系统,引擎更精确,并有一个经典的复古音效。得益于OMI的原始授权音效,您可以直接从设备上录制超过240层。Emulator III通过一个独特的、互补的音效库(包括演奏各种贝司、独奏、铃铛、垫子、管弦乐等。

All instruments in Emulation II + share the same layout and basic functionality, with the exception of the dedicated DPX mode in Emulation II, which allows you to easily switch between instruments and stay focused on the sound. ADSR includes controls for amplitude and multi-mode filter, pitch and voice, including unison, vibrato, tremolo and filter LFO, all controlled by a mod wheel, effects section with drive, reduction, chorus, phaser and EQ, and a powerful 64-step phrase-monger. arpeggiator with large-scale quantization. Overall, you have complete control and creative flexibility.

Emulation II+中的所有乐器共享相同的布局和基本功能,Emulation II中的专用DPX模式除外,该模式允许您轻松地在乐器之间切换并专注于声音。ADSR包括振幅和多模滤波器、音调和语音控制,包括和声、颤音、颤音和滤波器r LFO,全部由mod控制轮控制,具有驱动、减速、合唱、相位器和EQ的效果部分,以及强大的64步相位器。具有大规模量化的琶音器。总体而言,您拥有完全的控制和创造性灵活性。

Drum +


Over 2,400 individual drum sounds plus 210 preset sequence kits make up one massive vintage drum machine. Drumulation + contains all the elements of the original Drumulator, plus drum and percussion samples from Emulator, Emulator II, and Emulator III. Finally, we’ve included a full set of original sounds from the classic SP12, making it an unusual and inspiring source for classic lo-fi beats.

超过2400个单独的鼓声加上210个预设序列套件组成了一台大型老式鼓声机。Drumulation+包含原始鼓声模拟机的所有元素,以及Emulator、Emulator II和Emulator III中的鼓声和打击乐器样本。最后,我们包含了经典SP12中的一整套原始声音,使其成为一台联合国大学的鼓声模拟机经典低保真节拍的灵感来源。

Drumulation + gives you an 8-part drum machine with panning, +/- 24 semitones pitch, decay, drive, high and low pass filters, 2 reverb and 2 delay sends, and drive bus and EQ effects. Use the built-in time-divider sequencer for each part to create beats instantly and then drag and drop MIDI to the DAW of your choice. With both stereo and multichannel outputs, Drumulation + is ready to integrate into even the most demanding mixes.


Massive multis


Emulation II + Multi is a powerful and inspiring music creation tool that provides you with Drumulation + and 4 customizable slots where you can load any combination of Emulation I, II, or III instrument layers. Use the built-in phraser / arpeggiator to create full song ideas, or play layers in a stack using amps and filters to create powerful new sounds. A formidable studio in itself, Emulation II + Multi gives you virtually limitless potential for creating sounds and phrases in inspiring and fast layouts.

Emulation II+Multi是一款功能强大且鼓舞人心的音乐创作工具,它为您提供了Drumulation+和4个可定制的插槽,您可以在其中加载Emulation I、II或III乐器层的任意组合。使用内置的短语器/琶音器创建完整的歌曲创意,或使用放大器和过滤器在堆栈中播放层,以创建强大的新音乐声音。Emulation II+Multi本身就是一个强大的工作室,它为您提供了几乎无限的潜力,可以在鼓舞人心的快速布局中创建声音和短语。

A deep and rich instrument capable of reproducing everything from layered 4 parts to incredible vintage drums and an inspiring songbook with discrete 64-step arpeggiators / phrasers. Featuring fully customizable patterns, sounds, arps and effects, and authentic vintage hardware, Emulation II + is a powerful instrument and instant gratification machine ready to inspire for years to come.

这是一款深度丰富的乐器,能够再现从分层的4个部分到令人难以置信的复古鼓的一切,以及一本带有离散64步琶音师/词组的鼓舞人心的歌曲集。Emulation II+具有完全可定制的模式、声音、ARP和效果,以及正宗的复古硬件,是一款强大的乐器和即时满足感海因已准备好在未来几年中激发灵感。



• 4 instruments with authentic hardware sounds


• Over 1300 presets, 270 multis, 800+ layers, 2400+ drums and more.


• Inspirational ready-made sounds and patterns, all fully editable.


Move the R2RUVI file from the R2R folder to C: \ ProgramData \ UVI \ R2R


To work with the bank, you need a Falcon sampler





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