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SPARTA安装程序还包括COMPASS套件、HO DirAC套件、CroPaC双耳解码器和HO-SIRR room脉冲响应渲染器。这些插件采用参数化处理,并依赖于信号,旨在超越传统的线性环境音,通过提有意义的参数随着时间的推移,然后利用它们以更知情的方式将输入映射到输出。
spartaèu ambiBIN-双耳ambisonic解码器(高达7阶),内置沙发加载器,通过OSC信息支持头部跟踪。包括:最小二乘(LS)、空间重采样(SPR)、时间对齐(TA)和幅度最小二乘(Mag LS)解码选项。
spartaèu ambiDEC-频率相关的扬声器ambisonic解码器(最多7阶),具有用户指定的扬声器方向(最多64个),可通过JSON配置文件导入。包括:全方位(AllRAD)、能量保持(EPAD)、空间(SAD)和模式匹配(MMD)环境音解码选项。扬声器信号也可被二值化以用于耳机回放。
spartaèu ambiDRC-一种频率相关的动态范围压缩器,用于ambisonic信号(高达7阶)。
spartaèu ambiENC-一个ambisonic编码器/扩音器(高达7阶),支持多达64个输入通道;其方向也可以通过JSON配置文件导入。
spartaèu ambiRoomSim-基于图像源方法的鞋盒室模拟器,支持多个源和ambisonic接收器。。
spartaèu array2sh-一种麦克风阵列空间编码器(最多7阶),可预设多个商用A格式和更高阶麦克风阵列。插件还可以为当前选定的配置提供客观的评估指标。
spartaèu multiconv-一种基本的多通道卷积器,具有可选的分区卷积模式。与“MatrixConv”不同,此插件不执行任何矩阵化。相反,每个输入信道与相应的滤波器卷积;i、 e.numInputs=numFilters=numOutputs。
spartaèu panner-使用VBAP方法的频率相关三维panner(最多64个输入和输出)。
斯巴达动力地图-一个声场可视化插件,基于环境声波信号作为输入(高达7阶),具有PWD/MVDR/MUSIC/Min Norm选项。
spartaèu sldoa-一种频率相关的声场可视化仪(高达7阶),基于描绘从空间局部活动强度矢量得出的波达方向(DoA)估计值。低频估计值显示为蓝色图标,中频显示为绿色,高频显示为红色。
compass\u binauralVR-与compass\u双耳插件相同,但也支持围绕接收器位置的侦听器翻译,并支持多个同时侦听器。
Spatial Audio Real-Time Applications (SPARTA)
An open-source VST audio plug-in suite for spatial audio production, reproduction and visualisation
SPARTA is a collection of flexible VST audio plug-ins for spatial audio production, reproduction and visualisation, developed primarily by members of the Acoustics Lab at Aalto University, Finland.
Download links of current and past versions can be found here.
The suite has been formally presented in this publication, with the source code made available here (GPLv3 license).
The SPARTA installer also includes the COMPASS suite, the HO-DirAC suite, CroPaC Binaural Decoder, and the HO-SIRR room impulse response renderer. These plug-ins employ parametric processing and are signal-dependent, aiming to go beyond conventional linear Ambisonics by extracting meaningful parameters over time and subsequently employing them to map the input to the output in a more informed manner.
List of plug-ins included in the SPARTA installer
The SPARTA suite:
sparta_ambiBIN - A binaural ambisonic decoder (up to 7th order) with a built-in SOFA loader and head-tracking support via OSC messages. Includes: Least-Squares (LS), spatial re-sampling (SPR), time-alignment (TA), and magnitude least-squares (Mag-LS) decoding options.
sparta_ambiDEC - A frequency-dependent loudspeaker ambisonic decoder (up to 7th order) with user specifiable loudspeaker directions (up to 64), which may be optionally imported via JSON configuration files. Includes: All-Round (AllRAD), Energy-Preserving (EPAD), Spatial (SAD), and Mode-Matching (MMD) ambisonic decoding options. The loudspeaker signals may also be binauralised for headphone playback.
sparta_ambiDRC - A frequency-dependent dynamic range compressor for ambisonic signals (up to 7th order).
sparta_ambiENC - An ambisonic encoder/panner (up to 7th order), with support for up to 64 input channels; the directions for which may also be imported via JSON configuration files.
sparta_ambiRoomSim - A shoebox room simulator based on the image-source method, supporting multiple sources and ambisonic receivers..
sparta_array2sh - A microphone array spatial encoder (up to 7th order), with presets for several commercially available A-format and higher-order microphone arrays. The plug-in can also present objective evaluation metrics for the currently selected configuration.
sparta_beamformer - A spherical harmonic domain beamforming plug-in with multiple beamforming strategies (up to 64 output beams).
sparta_binauraliser - A binaural panner (up to 64 input channels) with a built-in SOFA loader and head-tracking support via OSC messages.
sparta_decorrelator - A simple multi-channel signal decorrelator (up to 64 input channels).
sparta_dirass - A sound-field visualiser based on re-assigning the energy of beamformers. This re-assigment is based on DoA estimates extracted from "spatially-constrained" regions, which are centred around each beamformer look-direction.
sparta_matrixconv - A basic matrix convolver with an optional partitioned convolution mode. The user need only specify the number of inputs and load the filters via a wav file.
sparta_multiconv - A basic multi-channel convolver with an optional partitioned convolution mode. Unlike "MatrixConv", this plug-in does not perform any matrixing. Instead, each input channel is convolved with the respective filter; i.e. numInputs = numFilters = numOutputs.
sparta_panner - A frequency-dependent 3-D panner using the VBAP method (up to 64 inputs and outputs).
sparta_powermap - A sound-field visualisation plug-in based on ambisonic signals as input (up to 7th order), with PWD/MVDR/MUSIC/Min-Norm options.
sparta_rotator - A flexible ambisonic rotator (up to 7th order) with head-tracking support via OSC messages.
sparta_sldoa - A frequency-dependent sound-field visualiser (up to 7th order), based on depicting the direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimates derived from spatially localised active-intensity vectors. The low frequency estimates are shown with blue icons, mid-frequencies with green, and high-frequencies with red.
sparta_spreader - An arbitrary array (e.g. HRIRs or microphone array IRs) panner with coherent and incoherent spreading options.
The COMPASS suite:
compass_binaural - A binaural ambisonic decoder (up to 3rd order input) based on the parametric COMPASS model, with a built-in SOFA loader and head-tracking support via OSC messages.
compass_binauralVR - Same as the compass_binaural plugin, but also supporting listener translation around the receiver position and support for multiple simultaneous listeners.
compass_decoder - A parametrically enhanced loudspeaker ambisonic decoder (up to 3rd order input).
compass_gravitator - A parametric sound-field focussing plug-in.
compass_sidechain - A plug-in that manipulates the spatial properties of one Ambisonic recording based on the spatial analysis of a different recording.
compass_spatedit - A flexible spatial editing plug-in.
compass_tracker - A multiple target acoustic tracker which can optionally steer a beamformer towards each target.
compass_upmixer - An Ambisonic upmixer (1-3rd order input, 2-7th order output).
The HO-DirAC suite:
hodirac_binaural - A binaural ambisonic decoder (up to 3rd order input) based on the parametric HO-DirAC model, with a built-in SOFA loader and head-tracking support via OSC messages.
hodirac_decoder - A parametrically enhanced loudspeaker ambisonic decoder (up to 3rd order input).
hodirac_upmixer - An Ambisonic upmixer (1-3rd order input, 2-7th order output).
cropac_decoder - A binaural 1st order ambisonic decoder based on the parametric CroPaC model, with a built-in SOFA loader and head-tracking support via OSC messages.
HOSIRR - An Ambisonic room impulse response (RIR) renderer for arbitrary loudspeaker setups, based on the Higher-order Spatial Impulse Response Rendering (HO-SIRR) algorithm;