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K歌录音VST效果器下载 VSTI音源下载 声卡调试

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[合成器] My Best Friend Jacob – Octave Deluxe VSTi WIN.OSX专为说唱制作人设计的高级插件



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2021-5-11 12:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞

advanced plug-in designed specifically for rap producers. Custom sounds created using live instruments and rare analog equipment.


Guitars are on the hip-hop wave right now. Recorded in the studio with live guitar for the most realistic sound! Perfect for creating that modern sound that is blowing up TikTok and artists like DaBaby, Gunna, and Lil Baby.


Strings – Recorded in the studio using live strings. These warm, mesmerizing string samples can be used as a base for your tracks or as add-ons to your compositions. Whether you want that epic orchestral vibe or just want your rhythm to be smooth and airy, this pack will do it all.


Trap – Experiment with a unique blend of synthetic and organic sounds. Adds decisiveness and poignancy to your work, perfect for creating the dark and eerie style of Travis Scott. This Trap Expansion Pack is specially designed for hip hop producers.


Lo-Fi – Add ambient, warmth and ambiance to your beats with the Octave Deluxe Lo-fi Expansion Pack. Created using vintage analog equipment. Make your beats sound less digital and more realistic. Ideal for chill-hop, R&B and / or creating smooth, easy-to-listen music.


Vintage Synths – Based on a world-class vintage analog synths, this expansion pack lets you create full monstrous synth chords and melodies for decades of sound! Get all these unique vintage sounds without spending thousands of dollars on a physical vintage synthesizer.


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