![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
累计签到:58 天 连续签到:2 天
WIN格式: | VST AAX |
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其它系统格式: | 问题投诉 |
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容量: | 122M |
微信公众号输入命令: | 请在微信公众号中输入前面红色字体命令获取提取码等内容,这里没有内容就表示不需要 |
公众号回复内容: | 隐藏内容 查看操作方法 |
下载方式: | 当前帖子ID:
关注公众号 | vstivip  |
MAGIX Best Service Engine is a virtual sampler designed for many typical libraries and valid tools to offer creative, flexible and immediate solutions for the most demanding music producers, film composers, sound engineers, composers and DJs.
MAGIX Best Service Engine是一款虚拟采样器,专为许多典型的库和有效工具设计,可为最苛刻的音乐制作人、电影作曲家、声音工程师、作曲家和DJ提供创造性、灵活和即时的解决方案。
MAGIX Best Service Engine is developed in collaboration between Magix (formerly Yellow Tools) and Best Service, based on the Independence Sampler Technology. MAGIX Best Service Engine gives you access to hundreds of fully customizable music UI features, file management and ultra fast streaming integrations, support for multiple core processors and Auto-RAM-Cleaner will allow you to download and use an unlimited number of files in seconds.
MAGIX最佳服务引擎由MAGIX(以前的黄色工具)和Best Service合作开发,基于独立采样器技术。MAGIX Best Service Engine让您可以访问数百个完全可定制的音乐UI功能、文件管理和超高速流媒体集成、对多个核心处理器的支持以及Auto RAM Cleaner,您可以在几秒钟内下载和使用无限数量的文件。
If you use mono, stereo or surround sound in your work then this virtual ENGINE is for you! This tool is designed to offer creative, flexible and immediate solutions for the most demanding music producers, film composers, sound engineers, composers and DJs!
You have access to hundreds of fully customized music UI features, file management and ultra fast streaming integrations, support for multiple core processors, and Auto-RAM-Cleaner will allow you to download and use unlimited files in seconds.
您可以访问数百个完全定制的音乐用户界面功能、文件管理和超快流媒体集成、对多个核心处理器的支持,Auto RAM Cleaner将允许您在几秒钟内下载和使用无限量的文件。