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The ORGANIC DIGITAL WAVEMAKER SQ80 V is Ensoniq’s classic ’80s Cross-Wave synth resurrected, combining hybrid lo-fi character, complex industrial textures and thousands of unique waveform combinations in a fast-paced soft synth enhanced for today’s production.
有机数字造波机SQ80 V是Ensoniq 80年代经典横波合成器的翻版,它结合了混合的lo-fi特性、复杂的工业纹理和数千种独特的波形组合,为今天的生产增强了快节奏的软合成器。
Digital synthesis solved. Digital synthesizers are often known for their razor-sharp, crystal-clear and precise sound – the SQ80 V has other ideas. Explore a detailed software resurrection of a digital anti-hero who wants to break the rules.
数字合成解决了这个问题。数字合成器通常以其锋利、水晶般清晰和精确的声音而闻名——SQ80 V还有其他想法。探索一个想要打破规则的数字反英雄的详细软件复活。
Capture the resilience, character and charming imperfection loved by John Carpenter, Adamski, Mr. Bungle and many more with a tool that is both sophisticated and accessible, focused and intricate, edgy and dreamlike – and unlike anything you’ve heard before.
The perfectly modeled 8-bit 5503 DOC chip Digital Edge SQ80 V delivers digital sounds that have a unique organicity, from silky smooth to razor-sharp, all ready to set up and play in seconds.
完美造型的8位5503 DOC芯片Digital Edge SQ80 V提供了具有独特有机性的数字声音,从丝滑到锋利,所有这些都可以在几秒钟内设置和播放。
Analog Character The digital oscillators face an emulated analog filter and output circuitry for growling sine waves, hissing harmonics and warm lo-fi tones that are utterly imperfect.
Waveform Evolution Explore thousands of possible waveform combinations, instrumental transients, hidden waveforms, and VFX transwaves for sound design potential that surpasses the original hardware.
Digital Synthesizers Made Simple Digital synthesizers have long been known for being difficult to program in both hardware and software. The SQ80 V bucks the trend with an immersive digital architecture that can be set up instantly and seamlessly.
数字合成器由简单的数字合成器组成,长期以来,人们都知道它很难用硬件和软件编程。SQ80 V与潮流背道而驰,采用了沉浸式数字架构,可即时无缝设置。
Riding the Wave Built by the same engineers behind the Commodore 64, considered the best-selling computer of all time, the Ensoniq SQ80 has held its own against tough competition.
在Commodore 64(被认为是有史以来最畅销的计算机)背后的同一批工程师的推动下,Ensoniq SQ80在激烈的竞争中独占鳌头。
Install the program by running the SQ80_V__1_1_2_1843.exe file
Copy the SQ80 V.dll and SQ80 V.vst3 files from the MORiA folder to the C:\ProgramData\Arturia\SQ80 V\x64
将SQ80 V.dll和SQ80 V.vst3文件从MORiA文件夹复制到C:\ProgramData\Arturia\SQ80 V\x64
folder 3. Copy the SQ80 V.dll and SQ80 V.vst3 to the folders where your VST2 plugins are installed (C:\Program Files\Vstplugins by default) and VST3 (C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 by default)
文件夹3。将SQ80 V.dll和SQ80 V.vst3复制到安装VST2插件(默认情况下为C:\Program Files\Vstplugins)和vst3(默认情况下为C:\Program Files\Common Files\vst3)的文件夹中
