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[合成/合成器/其它] 古典弓弦、弹拨弦、管乐器和打击乐器Best Service – Dark ERA (ENGINE 2) 采样



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发表于 2022-5-8 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
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With Dark ERA Eduardo Tarilonte – a master of mystical sounds – takes us back to the dark times, when legends were born and where the old northern gods still determine the fate of mankind. This library allows you to discover the sounds to which the Vikings and other forgotten cultures and tribes celebrated and chanted their myths.

随着黑暗时代的到来,神秘声音大师爱德华多·塔里龙特(Eduardo Tarilonte)将我们带回了黑暗时代,传说诞生了,古老的北方诸神仍然决定着人类的命运。这个图书馆可以让你发现维京人和其他被遗忘的文化和部落庆祝和吟诵他们神话的声音。

The mesmerizing sound of Dark ERA ranges from the transcendental drone of Tagelharpa’s ancient string harp to the unsurpassed grace of a thin-string lyre and the characteristic sound of Scandinavian bone flutes and fujar overtone flute. Goosebumps are guaranteed by the sounds of battle horns such as wooden lur, thundering powerful percussion, full frame drum ensemble, as well as mystical throat chants.


These instruments are complemented by an impressive collection of pulsating pads and atmospheric soundscapes that evolve over longer periods of time. These unique sounds ensure that Dark ERA can be considered the next masterpiece created by Eduardo Tarilonte.


> Contains over 50 historic and medieval instruments in 4 categories: Bowed strings, plucked strings, wind instruments, and percussion


> Large library with more than 20,000 samples with countless dynamic gradations, articulations, Round-Robin, as well as Legato and Glissando samples


> More than 100 mystical, atmospheric soundscapes


> Epic loops for rhythmic accompaniment


> Rhythmic pads combine melodic and rhythmic elements


> Vocal section offers Inuit inspired vocal rhythms


> Bowed strings: Tagelharpa, Jouhikko small tagelharpa, Jouhikko big, and crwth


> Plucked strings: Cologne lyre, ancient lyre, Trossingen lyre, and Utrecht lute


> Wind instruments: War horn, white horn, curved horn, shofar, bukkehorn shell, long trumpet, big horn, double flute, small bone flute, vulture bone flute, pictish pipes, elderwood flute, overtone fujara, didgeridoo, and wooden lur


> Percussion: Shamanic drum small, shamanic drum big, big frame drum, 5 square drums, 2 skin drums, 2 skin snares, skin tom, sieves, anvil, 3 viking mouth harps, jawbone, pan medium, pan rusted, 7 seed shakers, small bells, 2 cowbells, bullroarer, horseshoe, and bronze mortar





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