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[采样] 声乐法典Best Service – Era II Vocal Codex v1.1 (ENGINE 2)经典人声采样



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发表于 2022-5-8 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
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Vocal Codex is the perfect addition to Era II Medieval Legends 2015. He completes this unusual medieval library by adding authentic-sounding solo voices. Eduardo Tarilonte, creator of several award-winning libraries such as Forest Kingdom, Desert Winds, Epic World and Shevannai, has recorded an incredibly extensive library of historical singing voices with incredibly convincing sound quality, creating the perfect complement to Era II.

《声乐法典》是2015年第二代中世纪传奇的完美补充。他通过添加纯正的独唱声音来完成这个不同寻常的中世纪图书馆。爱德华多·塔里隆特(Eduardo Tarilonte)是森林王国(Forest Kingdom)、沙漠之风(Desert Winds)、史诗世界(Epic World)和舍瓦尼(Shevannai)等多家获奖图书馆的创作者,他以令人难以置信的音质录制了大量历史歌曲,是对第二代的完美补充。

Vocal Codex brings the moods and sonic aesthetics of the Middle Ages and the past into the production environment of a digital audio workstation. The carefully designed user interface of the Engine makes it easy to work with the library, allowing Vocal Codex voices to inspire and unleash the full creative potential of musicians.

Vocal Codex将中世纪和过去的情绪和声音美学带入数字音频工作站的生产环境。该引擎精心设计的用户界面使其易于与库一起工作,从而使声乐法典声音能够激发和释放音乐家的全部创作潜力。

Vocal Codex contains over 14,000 samples with a total volume of 8.5 gigabytes of data.

Vocal Codex包含超过14000个样本,总数据量为8.5千兆字节。

Detailed recordings include two male and two female solo voices. By offering five true legato vowels (A, E, I, O, U) per voice, a velocity-sensitive syllable, and extensive controller navigation, it becomes possible to create completely realistic vocal phrases. In addition, 30 inspiring soundscapes have been added to the Vocal Codex with their respective atmospheric sounds.


The library has extensive multisamples, several dynamic layers, various articulations and true legato samples. Among other features, the Vocal Codex includes “ERA II Limited Edition” exclusive content that was only available for a limited time. All owners of this limited edition will find the Vocal Codex in their user accounts for free immediate download.

该库有大量的多样本、多个动态层、各种发音和真正的连音样本。除其他功能外,Voice Codex还包括“ERA II限量版”的独家内容,这些内容只在有限的时间内提供。这个限量版的所有所有者都可以在他们的用户帐户中找到Voice Codex,立即免费下载。

The Vocal Codex consists of four parts.


> Celtia – the charming, soft and almost divine voice of Celica Soldrim with her charming Celtic touch.


> Heroica represents another powerful and down to earth side of Celica Soldream – a voice that is perfect for epic and emotional music.

>英雄主义代表了Celica Soldream的另一个强大而脚踏实地的一面,是史诗和情感音乐的完美配音。

> Bard – the equally charming and gentle voice of Ivan Lopez from Evo, an ideal proposal for gentle and early music.


> The medieval tenor, the voice of Victor Sordo, also sounds refined and elegant and is therefore intended for solo and sacral-ritual passages.


When creating the Vocal Codex, attention was paid to every detail. Recordings at Eldana Studio, located in Dueñas, Spain, were made using a U47 Kahayan microphone, an API preamp and a Kahayan Epsilon analog summer.


All voices were recorded deliberately close to avoid room effects and leave the producer complete control over the sound and effects. However, Vocal Codex also offers an adjustable reverb effect.


Copy the file 000003FE from the keys folder and place it along the path C:\ProgramData\Best Service\Engine\keys

从keys文件夹复制文件000003FE,并将其沿路径C:\ProgramData\Best Service\Engine\keys放置

Register the library with any key (6 by 6 blocks), for example: 888888-888888-888888-888888-888888-888888


For those who use the release from R2R – file in R2R engine Key folder





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