![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Newest member of the DDMF family: please warmly welcome Envelope! The creation of this true stereo reverb effect began with the observation that somehow, whenever I used one of the existing reverb plug-ins, the sound was never “there”: many of them sounded pretty good when used with solo vocals or an instrument track, but in a mixed context, I would quickly end up with some turbidity at a lower frequency and / or too intrusive reverb effect around 5k-7k, where these nasty syllables usually make themselves heard.
Thus, the goal was to create something that added air, never sounding harsh, creating a rich three-dimensional impression, without losing the smallest details of the stereo field, while remaining light enough on the processor so that it could be used ad lib in a real mixing context. Well, with all modesty, I think that the goal was achieved: Envelop from the very early stage of its development became my go-to-reverb plugin, and now it is finally ready to become yours! And it not only sounds great, but also looks fantastic, thanks to the invaluable interface design skills of the one and only Mr. Marek Zaris.
因此,我们的目标是创造出一些增加空气的东西,从来没有听起来刺耳,创造出丰富的三维印象,同时又不丢失立体场的最小细节,同时在处理器上保持足够的光线,这样就可以在真实的混音环境中随意使用。嗯,恕我直言,我认为目标已经实现了:信封从开发的早期阶段就变成了我的去混响插件,现在终于可以成为你的了!它不仅听起来很棒,而且看起来也很棒,这要归功于独一无二的Marek Zaris先生的界面设计技巧。