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It is a virtual collection of 3 amazing Lindell units, the 7X-500 limiter, the PEX-500 EQ and the 6X-500 preamp. They are all contained in one cool virtual 500 frame, which lets you use any or all of these modules, and you may even arrange the order of the plugins freely in the frame! Start off with the 6X-500 preamp to add a bit of punch and color, then add some tasty vintage 1176-style FET compression with the 7X-500 limiter, and top it off with some Pultec inspired PEX-500 EQ. Nice!
这是一个虚拟的集合3惊人的林德尔单位,7X-500限制器,PEX-500均衡器和6X-500前置放大器。它们都包含在一个很酷的虚拟500框架中,允许您使用任何或所有这些模块,您甚至可以在框架中自由安排插件的顺序!从6X-500前置放大器开始,添加一些打孔和色彩,然后添加一些美味的1176复古风格FET压缩和7X-500限制器,再加上一些受Pultec启发的PEX-500 EQ。很好!
Features hardware emulations of 3 Lindell Audio 500 modules
具有3个Lindell Audio 500模块的硬件仿真功能
7X-500 FET feedback compressor (classic 1176 sound)
7X-500 FET反馈压缩机(经典1176声音)
6X-500 Analog Preamp
PEX-500 Pultec-style EQ
Mix control for parallel compression
Adjustable stereo link
Drag and Drop the modules in the plugin frame as you like!