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这是专门为Wave Arts Convology XT准备的混响采样,下载后加入到这个混响效果器的采样库里面即可使用。
An impressive collection of impulse responses for the Open Air convolutional reverb included in Studio One 3 Professional.
Studio One 3 Professional包含了一系列令人印象深刻的户外卷积混响脉冲响应。
Vintage Digital Reverbs
Complete list of sampled reverb units:
Digital Reverb 245 – (10 files) New York and Switzerland
Digital Reverb 246 – (20 files) Austria and Switzerland
Digital Reverb 248 – (16 files) Nashville, Tennessee and Denver, Colorado
Digital Reverb 250 – (26 files) Nashville, TN
Digital Reverb 245
245 was 244 with pre-delay and reflections added. While other German devices included some of these same reflection settings in their algorithms, the 245 gave you the flexibility to actually set those settings. When you look at these files under a microscope, it is interesting to see early reflections (bursts) in the audio files. There has been a lot of engineering science that explored reflections, how far or close they would be from each other, to simulate different rooms, halls, etc. The longest reverberation time of a 245 is around 5 seconds.
Digital Reverb 246
uses 250 algorithms like 248, with a lot of user control and flexibility. It also includes an extended memory slot similar to the 248. It has 6 program modes with programmable low-pass filter, reflections and attenuation.
Digital Reverb 248
The 248 was the last device in the series and many people appreciate it as a reliable and quite pleasant sound. The 248 was loaded with all sorts of presets and customizable algorithms, including a Baroque church, cathedral, Romanesque church with large rooms, hallways and even stairwells, bathrooms and a preset called “Tiny Room”. The 248 is a very powerful processor, and even today it is used, like many of these vintage devices, by leading musicians around the world. One of our units has been used by top country artists such as Reba, Carrie Underwood, Luke Brian …
248是该系列中的最后一款设备,许多人认为它是一种可靠且非常悦耳的声音。248台装有各种预设和可定制的算法,包括巴洛克式教堂、大教堂、罗马式教堂,其中有大型房间、走廊甚至楼梯间、浴室,还有一个名为“小房间”的预设。248是一款功能强大的处理器,即使在今天,它也像许多老式设备一样被世界各地的顶尖音乐家使用。我们的其中一个单元曾被顶级乡村艺术家使用过,如Reba、Carrie Underwood、Luke Brian…
Digital Reverb 250
The first real DSP produced. 250 uses 12-bit 24k converters, low is transmitted around 11Khz. This device has large levers at the top, weighs about 100 pounds and looks like it came from space – nicknamed “R2D2”. This is undoubtedly one of the best DSPs of the time, and the few who own one of these remaining vintage outboards still use them often and unabashedly. There are units 251 and 252, which are offshoots of this model. A total of about 250 original devices were manufactured, which were then adapted for the newer interface 251 and 252 updates, with 252 being rack mounted.
Vintage Spring Reverbs Selected
from 6 different countries including UK, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland and USA.
Many of these devices have been used by major artists, including some that are truly historic, such as the tubular springs used by The Rascals, Van Morrison and James Brown’s famous It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World. (K-100 Spring)
General overview
This library contains 26 different Spring Reverb units. Many who grew up in the era of cymbals and springs turned to cymbals for very good reasons. After careful consideration and treatment in studios around the world for the most interesting vintage springs to find and acoustically fix, some of these springs are simply gorgeous with the spring and device electronics, truly producing fantastic sounding reverbs – the 3D sound quality that is sought many engineers.
If you’ve always considered yourself a plate reverb individual, this library will definitely change your mind.
Springs come in all sorts of different kinds, and yes, there are some boring ones – you need a few for this vintage guitar, lead vocals and organ sound, right? There are also mono and stereo versions, as well as a variety of lush and warm springs that sound almost like a cymbal – they convey “reflections from nearby walls” like a spring can – when slight tremors and spring flutters occur.
This collection of spring reverbs comes with a wide variety of springs that are useful for a variety of applications. This library has a large number of impulse response files that you won’t hesitate to apply to lead vocals – so good they can rival some of your favorites – digital or plate reverb presets. Springs are regularly used by a number of leading engineers and producers, and some are used as the primary tool for reverb in general.
Vintage Plate Reverbs
Complete list of reverb samples:
Plate Reverb Eco II (8 files) – Appleton, WI
Plate Reverb Eco II(8个文件)-威斯康星州阿普尔顿
Plate Reverb Eco III (13 files) – Sweden
板式混响Eco III(13个文件)-瑞典
Plate Reverb 140 Tube (16 files) – Nashville, TN
Plate Reverb 140 (19 files) – Finland
Plate Reverb 240 (15 files) – Los Angeles, California
Plate Reverb Lawson (13 files) – Nashville, Tennessee
Plate Reverb 140
For many, the 140s are considered the king of the mountain for a number of reasons. They were the first to hit the market in the late 1950s. They tend to be slightly warmer, tend to reproduce, as they were originally designed, the sound of a concert hall, and with limited EQ for the most part can reproduce a dark, bright or warm sounding room, etc. more easily. – lovely sound files in every 140 selected models – try t
