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The BST100 Super Overdrive Amp plugin is the perfect emulation of a 90s Holy Grail guitar amp!
Nembrini Audio spent many years modeling to create the Guitar Amplifier plugin, which is at the same time easy to use and sounds good in any situation and in any conditions. Two channels with four 12AX7 / 7025 virtual tubes are carefully modeled and finely tuned for the ultramodern sound of a 90s guitar amp.
Nembrini Audio花了很多年的时间来制作吉他放大器插件,该插件同时易于使用,在任何情况和任何条件下都听起来不错。两个通道与四个12AX7/7025虚拟管精心建模和微调的超现代声音的90年代吉他放大器。
We have also expanded the capabilities of the original equipment thanks to the versatility of the digital world with new features for maximum control of your timbre. The BST100 Super Overdrive Amp plugin includes full emulation of the recording chain with 5 selected and finely tuned guitar amplifiers, 5 microphones and a mixer section + 2 microphones and our individual noise gate circuit. You can also upload your favorite cabinet with pulses or bypass the recording chain section to use your real power amplifier and guitar speaker system with the BST100 Super Overdrive Amp
由于数字世界的多功能性,我们还扩展了原始设备的功能,提供了新功能,最大限度地控制您的音色。BST100 Super Overdrive放大器插件包括5个精选和微调吉他放大器、5个麦克风和一个混音区+2个麦克风以及我们的单独噪声门电路的录音链的完整模拟。你也可以上传你最喜欢的脉冲柜或绕过录音链部分使用你真正的功率放大器和吉他扬声器系统与BST100超级超速放大器