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The origins of KORG synthesizers are reborn in software: the miniKORG 700S. In the early 1970s, many compact monophonic synthesizers entered the market. However, most of them were used mainly by famous musicians who could afford rare instruments, or as research devices in the academic world.
KORG wanted to give the average musician the opportunity to experience this new type of musical instrument. After much trial and error, the company’s first production synthesizer was announced in 1973: the miniKORG 700. The simple appearance, which contradicted its ability to reproduce a variety of sounds beyond imagination, fascinated many musicians who loved its unique and rich sound.
KORG想让普通音乐家有机会体验这种新型乐器。经过多次尝试和错误,该公司于1973年发布了第一款产品合成器:miniKORG 700。其简单的外观与其再现各种超乎想象的声音的能力相矛盾,吸引了许多喜爱其独特丰富声音的音乐家。
The following year, the miniKORG 700S was announced, an improved version with an additional VCO, and has now been recreated as a software tool. The MiniKORG 700S is an exact replica of the original analog equipment with powerful new features only available in software. Now the unique sounds and capabilities of this historic KORG synthesizer can be enjoyed on your computer.
第二年,Minikorg700S发布了,这是一个带有额外VCO的改进版本,现在已经被重新创建为一个软件工具。MiniKORG 700S是原始模拟设备的精确复制品,其强大的新功能仅在软件中可用。现在,这款历史悠久的KORG合成器的独特声音和功能可以在您的电脑上欣赏。