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Vinyl. Even that word conjures up the sweet warm days of analog. And like all things vintage, if you want the full experience you need to include the characteristic artifacts. In the case of vinyl records it’s the scratches, hiss, and change of pitch when you stop and start the record with your hands. You’ll find all this, and more, in V1NYLLA VST crack.
乙烯基甚至这个词也让人想起了温暖的日子。和所有复古的东西一样,如果你想要完整的体验,你需要包括特色的人工制品。在乙烯基唱片的情况下,它的划痕,嘶嘶声,和音调的变化,当你停止和开始与你的手记录。您将在V1NYLLA VST crack中找到所有这些以及更多内容。
as easy as tossing a record on a turntable
Like all 2getheraudio products, we want you in the business of making music, not struggling with your plugins. V1nylla VST crack is no exception with a simple interface and just the controls you need to customize the exact characteristics of your virtual turntable. These include Start/Stop pitch and time control, turntable speed selection, drawable flutter shapes and drawable crackle locations, and hiss, crackle, flutter and tone control levels. And if you want to take your sound outside the norm, cracked V1NYLLA’s flutter and crackle draw modes allow for some unusual modulation effects when pushed to their extremes. We encourage experimenation!
像所有2getheraudio产品一样,我们希望您从事音乐制作业务,而不是与插件打交道。V1nylla-VST-crack也不例外,它有一个简单的界面和一些控件,可以定制虚拟转台的精确特性。这些包括开始/停止节距和时间控制、转盘速度选择、可拉伸颤振形状和可拉伸裂纹位置,以及嘶嘶声、裂纹、颤振和音调控制水平。如果你想让你的声音超出标准,cracked V1NYLLA的颤振和crackle draw模式允许在推向极端时产生一些不寻常的调制效果。我们鼓励实验!
v1nylla vst crack specifications
v1nylla vst裂纹规范
Vinyl simulator that makes any digital audio sound like it’s played from a record player
Authentic record scratches and flutter control
Classic record start and stop (pitch and time) sound control
Unique feature allows you to draw your flutter and scratch effects using your mouse
Includes VST, AU, AAX plugin formats for compatibility with all DAWs
Works on any digital audio track or master mix
Simple intuitive user interface
Fully automatable