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Magic eQualizer: This musical sounding Dual Equalizer embodies more than 40 years of tradition where the original proportional Q filter design with reciprocal boost and cut is used. It’s through this design and sound that all-discrete Class AB 2520 amplifier products have achieved a nearly sacrosanct, if not mythical, status amongst audio engineers. The new Range control broadens the unit’s utility to include mastering applications by changing the four bands’ boost/cut steps from the original 2 dB into either 1dB or 0.5dB steps. This made the unit useful for mixing and mastering use making audio program sounds better and more punchy and 3D just by passing through it Even while set “flat.”
The programs:
Carefully sampled @96kHz in a professional recording studio with hi-quality audio and digital cables and master grade converters with audio levels perfectly matched and calibrated. They are precisely programmed without normalizing or other destructive digital processing. The programs don’t sound processed, harsh or digital as most plugins do, but instead sound like a natural extension of the original audio, gluing your tracks in the mix with an analog vibe.
. Basic programs with full dynamics and harmonic content: 5 kernels
. Special edition “se” programs (CPU friendly): 3 kernels
. Special programs without harmonic distortion: 1kernel
. Low Peak/Shelf : 30hz, 40hz, 50hz, 100hz, 200hz, 300hz, 400hz
. Low Mid Bell : 75hz, 150hz, 180hz, 240hz, 500hz, 700hz, 1Khz
. High Mid Bell : 800hz, 1.5Khz, 3Khz, 5Khz, 8Khz, 10Khz, 12.5Khz
. High Peak/Shelf : 2,5Khz, 5Khz, 7Khz, 10Khz, 12.5Khz, 15Khz, 20Khz
. Proportional Q with +/- 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.25, 3, 4, 4.5, 6, 9, 12 dB gain stepped
. Over 940MB library programs
仔细采样@ 96kHz在HI质量音频和数字电缆和掌握音频水平完全匹配和校准级转换器专业录音棚。他们正是程序不规范或其他破坏性的数字处理。这个计划听起来不处理,粗糙或数字为大多数插件做的,而是像的原始音频的自然延伸,将你的歌曲的混合模拟的氛围。
。高中:800Hz,1.5kHz,3kHz,5kHz,8kHz,10kHz 12.5kHz,
。高峰值/货架:2,5khz,5kHz,7kHz,10kHz 12.5kHz,15kHz,20kHz,
。比例Q + / - 0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.25,3,4,4.5,6,9,12 dB的增益台阶
下载 容量1.8G: