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Komorebi Audio presents–Ambient Worlds,一个实验性的环境样本集合。pad和无人机循环、大气吉他、模拟调整、重低音最小鼓,由英国制作人和声音设计师Soular Order创作。
Komorebi Audio presents – Ambient Worlds, an experimental collection ambient samples. pad and drone loops, atmospheric guitars, analog tweaks, heavy sub-bass minimal drums, created by British producer and sound designer Soular Order.
Every sound in this pack has been painstakingly crafted with instruments from Mutable Instruments, Novation and Elektron. These unique sounds have gone through many effects, processors and guitar pedals to achieve a peaceful character.
To create this set of ambient samples, Soular Order has used its own back catalog and artists such as Johns Hopkins, Tim Hecker, Alessandro Cortini and Clark to create this exquisite collection of ambient samples.
为了创建这组环境样品,Soular Order使用了自己的背面目录和艺术家,如Johns Hopkins、Tim Hecker、Alessandro Cortini和Clark,创建了这组精美的环境样品。
->11 melodic stack loops
->10 guitar loops
->9 lead loops
->22 arp loops
->10 bass loops
->20 drone loops
->35 pad loops
->10 bass one shots
->10 pad one shots
->12 percussion one shots
->10 hihat one shots
->10 hihat一炮
->10 snare one shot
->10 kick one shots
->10 full drum loops
->12 percussion loops
