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容量: | Windows: 1.92 GB | MacOS: 1.90 GB |
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Infiniti Player is a powerful rompler Engine built for modern music production. Whether you create in a studio or on the go. Infiniti Player is always prepared to perform. Its impressive builtin factory sound library contains over 500 multi sampled acoustic and synthesized instruments. Infiniti Player purchasers will receive 2 free expansion packs. Infiniti Player comes with advanced synthesis controls that are perfect for sound designers. Activate LFO, select Waveform and control its destination.
The Chord Section allows you to play any major, minor or diminished chord type. Music theory can some times be a challenge so we added controls to add a 7th, 9th or 11th to your chord structure. Infiniti Player has an advanced arpeggiator. With the first ever 3x up, up down & down up arp types. The library rack allows you to browse between & organize expansion packs. What makes Infiniti also stand out from the rest is its 3D animation library system. Each sound library contains a unique animation clip. So there is always something visually moving or lighting up when notes are being triggered. 500+ presets + expansion packs….. gives users an infinite amount of sound possibilities.
和弦部分允许您弹奏任何大和弦、小和弦或小和弦类型。音乐理论有时会是一个挑战,所以我们添加了控件,在和弦结构中添加第7、第9或第11个。英菲尼迪的演奏者有一个高级的琶音师。有史以来第一款3x up、up down和down up arp类型。库机架允许您在扩展包之间浏览和组织扩展包。使英菲尼迪脱颖而出的还有其3D动画库系统。每个声音库都包含一个唯一的动画片段。所以当音符被触发时,总会有一些视觉上的移动或点亮。500多个预设+扩展包…。。为用户提供无限的声音可能性。
Additional information:
Recommended Free Space: 5GB
Available Formats: VST, AUDIO UNIT, AAX
Works in: Fl Studio,Logic X, Protools, SONAR, Maschine, ABLETON LIVE,CUBASE,STUDIO ONE, MPC REN
工作地点:Fl Studio、Logic X、Protools、SONAR、Maschine、ABLETON LIVE、CUBASE、Studio ONE、MPC REN
ProTools Users: Only Supports ProTools 11 and Up
ProTools用户:仅支持ProTools 11及以上版本
Compatible With: Mac and PC, as well as full 64bit support.
