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Pure Analog Sound: The modern parametric equalizer with High and Low Pass Filters from G series console channel eQ with pure analog path for transparent and musical sound, accuracy for surgical problem solving, smoother broader sound shaping or a little more aggressive character. The programs: Carefully sampled @96kHz in a professional recording studio with hi-quality audio and digital cables and master grade converters with audio levels perfectly matched and calibrated. They are precisely programmed without normalizing or other destructive digital processing. The programs don’t sound processed, harsh or digital as most plugins do, but instead sound like a natural extension of the original audio, gluing your tracks in the mix with an analog vibe.
. Basic programs with full dynamics and harmonic content: 3 kernels
. Special programs without harmonic distortion: 1 kernel
. High Pass Filter : 18dB/oct from 20Hz to 450Hz
. Low Pass Filter : 12dB/oct from 3kHz to 35kHz
. Low Shelf : variable from 40Hz to 6000Hz +/-16dB
. Low Bell : variable from 40Hz to 600Hz +/-15dB fixed Q 2,5
. Low Mid Bell : variable from 200Hz to 600Hz +/-20dB variable Q from 0.7 to 2,5
. Mid Mid Bell : variable from 600Hz to 3,2kHz +/-20dB variable Q from 0,7 to 2,5
. High Mid Bell : variable from 3,2kHz to 7kHz +/-20dB variable Q from 0.7 to 2,5
. High Bell : variable from 1,5kHz to 22kHz +/-20dB fixed Q 2,5
. High Shelf : variable from 1.5kHz to 22kHz +/-20dB
. Over 450MB library programs
纯模拟声音:高和低通滤波器从G系列控制台通道均衡器和透明的音乐声音纯模拟路径现代参数均衡器,用于外科问题求解的精度,更广泛的声音塑造或更具侵略性的性格。程序:仔细采样@ 96kHz在HI质量的音频和数字音频电缆和掌握水平完全匹配和校准级转换器专业录音棚。他们正是程序不规范或其他破坏性的数字处理。这个计划听起来不处理,粗糙或数字为大多数插件做的,而是像的原始音频的自然延伸,将你的歌曲的混合模拟的氛围。
。低通滤波器:12dB/oct从3 35KHz
。低架:可变的40Hz到6000HZ + / - 16dB
。贝尔:从低变40Hz~600Hz + / - 15dB固定Q 2
。低中钟:变量从200Hz~600Hz + / - 20dB的变量Q从0.7到2.5
。贝尔:MID变量来3,2khz 600Hz + / - 20dB的变量Q从0,7为2.5
。高中钟:变量从3,2khz到7kHz + / - 20dB的变量Q从0.7到2.5
。高铃:变量从1,5khz到22kHz + / - 20dB的固定Q 2
。高高的书架上:变量利用22kHz + / - 20dB