u-he Twangström VST crack is a flexible spring reverb box-of-tricks. If you’re familiar with Bazille, you might already have come across its built-in spring unit. We took that one, then modelled two more reverb tanks, paired it with drive section, filter stage, envelope, and mod matrix. It emulates a hand-picked selection of the most popular units you will find in classic guitar and instrument amplifiers, recreating the odd character of real springs.
u-he Twangström VST crack是一款灵活的弹簧混响盒。如果您熟悉Bazille,您可能已经看到了它内置的spring单元。我们拿了一个,然后对另外两个混响罐进行建模,将其与驱动部分、滤波级、包络和mod矩阵配对。它模仿了你在古典吉他和乐器扩音器中找到的最受欢迎的单元,重现了真实弹簧的古怪特征。
twangström vst crack in the spotlight…
twangström vst在聚光灯下出现裂缝…
shakeable springs
3 different reverberation tanks, inspired by the most popular ones built in the guitar & instrument amps that made rock ‘n roll
tasty drive & tone stage for heating-up and colouring the sound
multi-mode filter, with variable type blend
four-flavours envelope stage, picking up the signal from either input, output or external sidechain
LFO module, 8 different types & waveforms, variable time base & syncable
comprehensive modulation matrix, for realtime control of all the parameters
independent input and feedback routing options allow all possible stereo or mono combinations
76 factory presets, NKS-compatible
UI instantly resizable from 70% to 200%
custom remote control via MIDI CC, 14-bit resolution option
通过MIDI CC定制遥控器,14位分辨率选项
As a faithful emulation of a mechanical device, Twangström crack needs to be handled well. Many of the technical parameters are user-adjustable in real-time, and these can be controlled via MIDI or using the internal LFO and envelope generator. With its multimode resonant filter, cracked Twangström is a unique and powerful tool which can deliver highly unusual, evolving textures… especially when the signal is tossed around using the modulation matrix!
作为对机械装置的忠实模拟,Twangstrỏm裂纹需要妥善处理。许多技术参数可由用户实时调整,这些参数可通过MIDI或使用内部LFO和包络发生器进行控制。凭借其多模共振滤波器,cracked Twangstro∗m是一种独特而强大的工具,可以提供非常不寻常的、不断演变的纹理…特别是当信号使用调制矩阵四处传播时!
shakeable springs
Hitting your computer won’t make cracked Twangström shatter, so we added a twang control. This is used to shake the springs, either manually or through modulation and automation. You might think this is a gimmick for which you have no further use (apart from waking up the neighbours), but if you modulate it slightly, everything comes to life!