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VST, VST3, AAX x86 x64
Many sound cards claim to have a Hi-Z instrument input. But in reality, the input impedance is not high enough for your pickups to work properly. This negatively affects the signal of your instrument. If you are using one of these types of sound cards, you will definitely need DIFIX to get your guitars or bass to sound right.
The instrument input of a sound card is different from a conventional DI box. Connecting a guitar or bass directly to it can cause your recording to lose brightness and sound really dull. DIFIX uses a multi-band dynamics processor to flatten the sound and add a bit of analog richness as if you were using a real DI box.
Most often, you will need DIFIX when recording in a home studio with a cheap sound card. But we dare to say that even with hundreds of dollars worth of hardware DIs, you might still need a little fix. The question is not IF, but AVAILABILITY.
The first step is wrong, all the tracks are bad. DIFIX should be inserted as the first plug-in on a guitar track. Once you’ve fixed the imperfect input, use all of your favorite guitar effects and amp simulations.
All the science is inside this simple-looking plug-in, so it’s not science at all to manage it. Just choose if you’re recording guitar or bass and decide how much DIFIX should improve your input signal.